Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » April
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Jason Momoa dumped his beard
April 18th, 2019 under Jason Momoa. [ Comments: none ]

Jason Momoa and his beard broke up. Not him and Lisa Bonet but him and his facial hair. Why did Aquaman go smooth? He wanted to get the word out there that aluminum cans are the future and plastic water bottles are the past. Airlines are you listening?

When it comes to how he looks without his beard? He looks hot either way. I think we can all agree, we will take him any way we can get him.


Nathan Fillion learned a lesson from cutting his own hair
April 18th, 2019 under Nathan Fillion, Words of Wizdumb. [ Comments: none ]

Now that The Rookie is over for the season, that let’s Nathan Fillion change his hair up. Therefore, he took out the clippers and started cutting. Then he looked in the mirror and realized something. He is sharing that realization with us.

He words of wizdumb are, “The key to cutting your own hair is when you stop. I recommend right after ‘This is looking good.’ and ‘Oh, God. What have I done?’

Personally, I think this is his best haircut yet! He should keep it like this and not go back to his boyish do. What do you think?


Is Luke Bryan losing it on American Idol?
April 18th, 2019 under American Idol 9+, Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: 1 ]

Lionel Richie shared a video of Luke Bryan dancing for Katy Perry after a long day of filming at Disneyland, and I think the Country singer might be losing it. I mean how else can explains those moves? They are those of a drunk guy at the bar around 3a trying to pick up the last few women that are still there and not someone who is a judge on American Idol. Which makes it a good thing that dancing is not one of the requirements for the singing competition or he would not be sitting at the judges’ table.


The Child’s Play remake seems more about technology than a killer doll
April 18th, 2019 under Chucky, Movies. [ Comments: none ]

There was something about ’80s horror that made it so scary. It was so simplistic and you were more afraid of what you did not see than what you did see.

Then came CGI and you see more than you need to. Not only that, so many of these horror directors use the same techniques, so it all seems the same no matter what the movie is.

In recent years, Hollywood remade Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and Poltergeist. All those movies were promised sequels that were never made. Why? Because CGI ruined them. Yes, there was a Halloween 2, but not a 3 as reported.

You would think that Hollywood would have learned its lesson, but no. Only June 21st, Child’s Play is back in theaters. This time the talking killer doll is being aided by modern technology. Which makes me wonder, why not just use another doll instead of Chucky to tell the story?

Another problem with today’s horror is they took all the comedy out of the genre. That is why we still talk about the horror franchises from the past and not the new ones. A murdering doll that is possessed by death row inmate is so absurd that the movie has to be the same. The second you make it seem like it is real and take it seriously is when you lose the audience.

I am sure I will eventually see this Child’s Play, and hate it. Sorry, Mark Hamill, I love you, but I cannot support you as Chucky.

I really wish Hollywood would try to be original and stop redoing stuff from their childhood. It is never as good.


Rel and The Gifted were not gifted another season
April 18th, 2019 under Fox, Marvel Comics. [ Comments: none ]

While no show has officially been cancelled this season, the networks are starting to announce what shows will not be back in the fall. Fox got it started by not renewing Rel and The Gifted for another season. The news is no surprise because both shows did poorly in the ratings.

Lil Rel had this to say about the cancellation, “I want to thank all the loyal 2 million plus people that tuned in every week to my show… I’m so proud of what we did and it was a dream come true… I got a chance to not only create a show based off my material and some real life events I got to work and create magic with my friends… God is so good and I’m truly blessed… Thanks again for the huge opportunity and it’s on to the next one… I learned a lot and it’s still a huge accomplishment for me to pull this off… I wanted to make a dramatic comedy with heart and I did that… I know I made you proud Mom!!!!!! #REL”

There are reports that Marvel is going to shop The Gifted around, but I doubt anyone will want it. After 2 seasons of low ratings and no buzz, I cannot see anyone being like I want to blow money on it. It is no Lucifer, Brooklyn Nine-Nine or Designated Survivor.

It will be interesting to see what shows, if any, will be saved by someone else this year.


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