Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Try not to look at John Stamos’ crotch
March 26th, 2019 under In Your Pocket?, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

John Stamos sat on metal horse and I could not help but to look at his saddle. How can you not stare a it? It is like a drum set his pants and who wants to bang on those drums?


Are Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Mario Lopez down for Saved By the Bell again?
March 26th, 2019 under Mario Lopez, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]
It seems like every show with kids from the ’90s is coming back as a reboot, so what about Saved By the Bell. Yesterday, when Mark-Paul Gosselaar was on Extra, a fan wanted to know if he and Mario Lopez are up for reviving their show.

Slater did not want to put it on his slate because it is a little hard to do since they are not in high school anymore. Then he thought that maybe it could be about their kids going to Bayside.

MPG had a different approach, “I’ve always answered it, also, I think we’re open to the idea.” That is when Lopez agreed. Someone get Peter Engel on the phone with NBC and let’s make this happen ASAP. We need their cheesiness back in our lives.


Max Greenfield ‘didn’t connect’ with Meghan Markle on their failed pilot
March 26th, 2019 under British Royals, James Corden. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2011, Meghan Markle and Max Greenfield filmed a pilot together for Comedy Central that did not get picked up. A lot has happened since then with the actress now Duchess, and now someone plans on distributing The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down.

Yesterday, when Greenfield was on The Late Late Show, James Corden wanted to know if the two actors kept in touch. The actor told the CBS host, “Meghan and I really didn’t connect after that or during that.” Then he added, “Look had I known, I would have maybe played my cards differently.”

I wonder what he means when he says that they did not connect. Does he mean that they did not become friends? Or that they did not like each other? I am going to go with the latter because that is sexier like this film is supposed to be.


Gee, I wonder which Lyon is going to end up in the coffin on Empire?
March 26th, 2019 under Empire, Jussie Smollett. [ Comments: none ]
When this season of Empire we saw Lucious Lyon standing in front of a closed coffin and to this day we do not know who it is. Fox has been a running a promo saying we will find out who it is. However, do they really need to? I think we all know who it is.

We know it is not Lucious’ bastard son Kingsley because why would Cookie care about him? Is it Andre? He finally got an interesting story this year, so I doubt it is him. What about Hakeem? His storyline seems to have dried up, but there is still plenty they can do with him.

That means the only one left is Jamal. Could it be him because of Jussie Smollett’s troubles outside of work and the fact that he was written out of the last two episodes?

If it is him, they might have jumped too soon. That is because his attorneys, Tina Glandian and Patricia Brown Holmes, told WLS statement, “Today, all criminal charges against Jussie Smollett were dropped and his record has been wiped clean of the filing of this tragic complaint against him. Jussie was attacked by two people he was unable to identify on January 29th. He was a victim who was vilified and made to appear as a perpetrator as a result of false and inappropriate remarks made to the public causing an inappropriate rush to judgement.

“Jussie and many others were hurt by these unfair and unwarranted actions. This entire situation is a reminder that there should never be an attempt to prove a case in the court of public opinion. That is wrong. It is a reminder that a victim, in this case Jussie, deserves dignity and respect. Dismissal of charges against the victim in this case was the only just result.

“Jussie is relieved to have this situation behind him and is very much looking forward to getting back to focusing on his family, friends and career.”

Which I guess, that in the process of me starting this post and him being cleared of all criminal charges, we still don’t know who is in that coffin. We also are back to not knowing what happened on that night? Was he attacked? Why were the two brothers in the area on that night during that early morning hour and seem to have items that were said to be used in the attack?

Why were all of the criminal charges dropped against him? My first thought is that he sold out Mark Geragos, his lawyer who is having his own legal woes. Although, in my heart, I hope it is because he is innocent like he has always said that he is.

UPDATE: The Cook County State’s Attorney’s office released this statement, “After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”


Ian Somerhalder reveals why wine and cutting your own hair don’t mix
March 26th, 2019 under Ian Somerhalder. [ Comments: none ]

Ian Somerhalder had a few glasses of wine and thought, hey I want a faux hawk. Therefore, he took out the cutters and started buzzing away.

But then he said, “After the 3 glasses of wine wore off and the clippers ran out of battery… something hit me like a ton bricks: a little thing called ‘continuity’ for aka #VWars reshoots! I stopped trimming… Shit. Biotin smoothies here we come- gotta grow this shit out fast… Hair growing out and gearing up for production now.”

Therefore, when the webseries comes out and it looks like he is wearing a wig, we will know why. Too bad he cannot replace hair like a Vampire replaces blood! Which sadly proves that he is not a Vampire. Or is he? Because he does not seem to age.


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