Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » February
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Bob Saget’s TMI!
February 22nd, 2019 under Full House, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

When you think of Bob Saget, you think of the corny dad on Full House. In real life, he is the complete opposite. He tells jokes so dirty, even Danny Tanner could not clean it up.

Case in point, here is the latest joke he tweeted, “I’m so embarrassed – I don’t know how, but I got my penis stuck in the shower drain of the hotel I’m in. Never underestimate the power of shower gel. #freedom” Doesn’t it have to be long enough to get stuck in there? What? You thought the same thing.

One more joke, it might have gotten stuck in there because he was thinking of that shower curtain and got really turned on.


Could Khloe Kardashian be the Bachelorette?
February 22nd, 2019 under The Bachelor, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

In case you have been living under a rock this week, Khloe Kardashian dumped her baby daddy because it is rumored he was having an affair with her sister’s best friend.

Now, that you are caught up, someone wants to set her up. That person is Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss. He wrote, “I have already been in contact with my dear friend @KrisJenner about @khloekardashian as #TheBachelorette . Stay tuned!!!”

We know she loves roses, men and fame, so she needs to make it happen. It would be the one season where the Bachelorette is more interesting than the suitors. They would just be there as eye candy as her family tries to tell her what to do. You know she is not going to do it by herself. Do you ever only get just one of them?

Would you watch if she was the one handing out the roses?


Bazinga, Young Sheldon renewed for 2 more seasons!
February 22nd, 2019 under Chuck Lorre. [ Comments: none ]
Earlier this month, CBS picked up Chuck Lorre’s Mom for 2 more seasons. Today, they did the same with his sweet show Young Sheldon. The spinoff from The Big Bang Theory was picked up for seasons 3 and 4.

Is the news a surprise. Not at all. Not only is it doing well in the ratings, but it is also getting better with each episode. I think it will do even better without TBBT being on the air. It does not have to compete with its older self.

Now if CBS was smart, they would do a spinoff with Old Missy and Older Georgie. After seeing them on TBBT, I want to know how their lives turned out.

Either that or Wil Wheaton’s D&D. How fun was that storyline yesterday? The can switch up famous celebs each week.


Imagine Reba McEntire as Molly Brown in Titanic
February 22nd, 2019 under Andy Cohen, Kathy Bates, Reba McEntire. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kathy Bates played Molly Brown in the Oscar-winning movie Titanic, Reba McEntire was cast in the role. Shortly before filming started she had to drop out. She explained to Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live why she was forced to jump ship.

Before Reba had her own sitcom, she was on the road all the time. When she accepted the role, she scheduled a definitive 3 months for the movie and then planned to go on tour. Which meant she hired a lot of people and booked a bunch of dates. Therefore, when they told her production had been delayed, she was forced to give up a role that could have changed her life. She had too many people depending on her to do the shows that she could not say no to all of them.

As much as I like Reba, I prefer Bates in the part. Not only does she look like the Unsinkable Molly Brown, but she was also perfect in the film. What do you think?


Jussie Smollett will not be in the last two episodes of Empire
February 22nd, 2019 under Empire, Jussie Smollett. [ Comments: none ]

A day after Jussie Smollett turned himself in to police after being charged with falsifying a police report, Fox announced that he will not be in the last 2 episodes of Empire for season 5.

The show’s executive producers Lee Daniels, Danny Strong, Brett Mahoney, Brian Grazer, Sanaa Hamri, Francie Calfo and Dennis Hammer released this statement about their decision, “The events of the past few weeks have been incredibly emotional for all of us. Jussie has been an important member of our EMPIRE family for the past five years and we care about him deeply. While these allegations are very disturbing, we are placing our trust in the legal system as the process plays out. We are also aware of the effects of this process on the cast and crew members who work on our show and to avoid further disruption on set, we have decided to remove the role of ‘Jamal’ from the final two episodes of the season.”

Why just the last two episodes? The other 16 have already been filmed. How they will handle in his character in the 7 episodes that have not aired but have been shot, we do not know yet. With production almost wrapped, it will be very expensive to edit him out and reshoot scenes to fill time. Although, it might be a smart move on their part.

Empire will be back on Fox with new episodes on March 13th, so technically they can do it. But, it is a lot of expensive work.

Where is a broom when Cookie really needs it?

The ironic thing is that the reported motive for the attack was because he was “dissatisfied with his salary.” Now, he will not be getting one at all.


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