Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jussie Smollett turned himself in to Chicago Police
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[ # ] Jussie Smollett turned himself in to Chicago Police
February 21st, 2019 under Jussie Smollett

Yesterday, Chicago Police announced that Jussie Smollett was charged with Disorderly Conduct/Filing a False Police Report. In that report, he claimed that he was attacked by two men on January 29th who yelled homophobic and racial slurs at him as they beat him. The two African-American men were brought in for question and said the actor hired them to attack him.

At around 5a this morning, he turned himself in and was accompanied by a female attorney. According to WLS, he has been fingerprinted and transferred to bond court. The Empire star is expected to go in front of a judge at 1:30p CST for his bond hearing.

No word yet from Fox, what the future holds for Jamal Lyon? I would assume we now know who is in that casket? Whether he was supposed to be in there or not.

UPDATE: Chicago police held a press conference about his arrest and they are not happy with him. Eddie T. Johnson, Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, said the actor was the one that sent the letter to himself before he orchestrated the attack. Then he worked with the brothers to attack him. Johnson said, he paid them with a check. Which is interesting because Johnson says that he did it because he was dissatisfied with his salary.

Edward Wodnicki. Detective Commander at Chicago Police Department, detailed how they caught the two brothers. He said, they followed them through the city with the camera video and interviewed the cab drivers who took them from the scene to their home and other locations including the airport. Which makes you wonder why anyone commits a crime in that city because they are living 1984.

After those details, Johnson said that Smollett facial injury was most likely self-inflicted. He was also in contact with the brothers hours before and after the attack. Smollett even called them when they were in Africa.

Johnson wants Smollett to confess and apologize to the city. We also want him to apologize to us.

UPDATE: 20th Century Fox said, “We understand the seriousness of this matter and we respect the legal process. We are evaluating the situation and we are considering our options.” What that means, we will find out soon enough.


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