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How does The Rock rate his oral skills!
July 13th, 2018 under Andy Cohen, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when DJ Khaled said that he does not go down on his wife and The Rock responded back that he does, on Twitter? Well yesterday, when the hotter and sexier DJ was on Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen asked him about what he meant when he said, “Ahem.. *clears throat* as a man, I take great pride in mastering ALL performances. This is probably a little TMI.. I will now quietly excuse myself from this fun thread 👀”

Actually, the Bravo host asked Dwayne Johnson to rate himself on a scale of 1-10. DJ told him, “10 being amazing? OK, I would be like an 11!” His girlfriend is a lucky woman. He has money, a great personality and he can please a woman orally. What more do you need?

BTW DJ admitted that he was drunk when he tweeted that, so he warned don’t drink and tweet.


Patricia Clarkson would totally be Justin Timberlake’s Mother Lover!
June 29th, 2018 under Andy Cohen, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

Patricia Clarkson was on Watch What Happens Live yesterday and she revealed a lot about Justin Timberlake. Like that he has a lot going on between his legs.

When asked which actor she would want to have a friends with benefits thing going on with from that movie, she did not hesitate to say the SexyBack singer. She said, “If want to talk about big…” That confession stumped the Bravo host, so he asked her if the actor is “endowed well?” She stuttered as she told him, “I had the good fortune to get to see him all there because he, they were shooting a scene they couldn’t put anything on…He is a gorgeous man.”

With that, Cohen declared that is the biggest scoop he has had on his show in the 9 years since he started doing it. And we do mean big. I will never look at the Troll the same way. I guess you can I can’t stop this feeling about thinking about it!

Clarkson also talked about her worst on-screen kiss and she said she got it from Robert Downey Jr in the movie Good Night and Good Luck. Before you get totally turned off by the actor, he meant to be a bad kisser because it was part of his character for the film.


Did Bryan Adams have a one night love affair with Princess Diana?
June 26th, 2018 under Andy Cohen, British Royals, Bryan Adams. [ Comments: 1 ]

For decades it has been rumored that Bryan Adams and Princess Diana had an affair. Yesterday, when the singer was on Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen asked him what type of relationship they had during Plead the Fifth. Adams told the Bravo host they were, “great friends!”

When it comes to rumors that butler used to sneak him into Kensington Palace, he says, “She didn’t sneak me in. I would just roll up.” There you have it, straight from the heart of Adams.

Another thing he talked about is the only dick pic he ever gave to someone. That person is a good friend of Princess Diana’s and it is Elton John. John put the artistic photograph in a gold frame so that no candle in the wind could ever destroy it.

The thing I took away from this chat between Adams and Cohen is that I so want to be friends with the Canadian rocker. He is the epitome of a what a rock star is supposed to be!


Imagine Kelly Preston in Blue Lagoon
June 12th, 2018 under Andy Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

Kelly Preston was on Watch What Happens Live yesterday and Andy Cohen wanted to know if it is true that she almost got the part that went to Brooke Shields in Blue Lagoon. She told him it is and then shared the story with him how it almost happened.

Three years before Preston started acting, Randal Kleiser spotted her at her high school and wanted her to screen test for his follow up movie to Grease. Therefore, the director flew her and her mom from Hawaii to LA to audition for the role. They even wanted her to get an all-over tan, but the then teen did not do it.

Eventually, the role went to Diane Lane and Willie Aames. But wait they were not in it? That is because they dropped out just days before filming was to start. That is when he got Shields and an unknown Christopher Atkins to star in his movie.

What is interesting is Kleiser worked with Travolta in The Boy in the Plastic Bubble and Grease in the late ’70s and almost worked with Preston in this 1980 film. He could have introduced the couple to each other earlier instead of the two meeting at the end of the decade while filming the movie The Experts. At least I find that interesting.


Laurie Metcalf reveals how many episodes Roseanne will do in the fall
May 26th, 2018 under Andy Cohen, Roseanne. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, ABC picked up Roseanne for another season, but they did not tell us how many episodes there will be. Laurie Metcalf was on Watch What Happens Live the other night and she told Andy Cohen that there will be 13 new episodes in the fall.

Long before the show got a revival, some guy named George Clooney was her love interest on the show. A caller wanted to know what was the best and worst parts about working with the Oscar winner. She said the best part was playing are they or aren’t they. What was the worst part? Not the kissing, but him disappearing after season 1.


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