Jerry O’Connell almost got fixed by an ostrich |
August 20th, 2019 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]
Dave Salmoni was on the Jerry O Show today to promote his Animal Planet show Big, Small and Deadly that premieres tonight. Since no one cares what he has to say (sorry but we want to see his furry and slimy friends), he brought some animals with him. The first animal was an awwwwdorable sloth which was very safe.
Then things got a little risky or should a say risque with a baby ostrich. Jerry O’Connell was given the bird to hold and told to let its leg hang down. That claw matched up with something a piranha already got a taste of and spit out. If you didn’t see Piranha 3D, then basically I am saying it was over his peepee. Normally that would be fine, but the foot is the bird’s weapon. How did the host handle it? Just the thought of what could happen made his voice several octaves higher. Luckily for his wife, his baby maker is still intact.
Although, the snake in his trousers, attracted the Burmese python he was holding later on in the show. Who knows what is going on his pants, but it appears to be an animal magnet. Well it if is good enough to keep Rebecca Romijn, it must be really good.
This was a good segment for O’Connell. He really seemed like he was in his element. He has a natural rapport with animals. Even the ones who would want to do an Abraham on him. A biblical reference, I am taking it back really old school.
Watch the Jerry O’ Show weekdays in the late mornings on the Fox O&O’s or YouTube for the final week and a half of his trial run. I don’t want this trial to end. Because I am a sadist who likes to watch men squirm when something is close to their groin!
Sheinelle Jones and Willie Geist hating yogurt covered Skittles is scrumptious! |
August 20th, 2019 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]
Today on Today, Sheinelle Jones and Willie Geist tried some new candy that is going to be hitting the market soon. First, they tried the Fudge Brownie M&M’s and both of them really enjoyed it. Then, he put the Cookies & Creme Twix in his mouth and savored it.
Finally, it was time to test the Skittle Dips, which is yogurt covered Skittles. Sounds gross, right? Geist went first and he tried not to make a face of disgust. He then asked his co-anchor to try it before he gave his review. Jones tasted the rainbow and she could not hide her distaste for it. In fact, she straight out said, “I don’t like it,” before spitting it out.
When you are an anchor on a show like this, you have to pretend like you love everything even if you don’t. The fact that they could not hide how horrible that candy is, is the best video I have seen on a morning news show in ages.
Forget Hoda and Jenna, give them the fourth hour. It is refreshing to have newspeople be honest like that. We all lie, but sometimes you just have to tell the truth no matter the cost.
After the show, Jones wrote, “I tried 😩😂…. really, I did. The trophy goes to sweet @williegeist who was willing to do the Heimlich … or at best let me spit out that yogurt skittle in his hands. 😆 He was willing to save my life ….. he’s my new forever friend. 😂🥂”
That truly tells you awful that candy is. I wonder if Skittles is going to reconsider releasing it? Although, I want to try it to see if is nasty as they say it is. What about you?
A mini-Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman reunion! |
August 20th, 2019 under Jane Seymour, Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever wondered what would have ever happened to Dr. Quinn and Sully had Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman gone on? Or what the couple would look like in a modern-day world? Well, now we know. Jane Seymour shared this sweet photo with her television lover Joe Lando. You know what, they look amazing together. When did Lando get so hot even with short salt and pepper hair?
Seeing them together, makes me understand why so many people want to bring back their ’90s period drama. Personally, I am surprised that the Hallmark Channel has not already done it. It is the perfect revival for them. I betcha if they did revive the show, then it would be huge for them.
Do you want to see the medical drama rebooted?
Has Nick Cannon hit hard times? |
August 20th, 2019 under Hard times. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Cannon was seen with a cart full of stuff from the 99 Cents Only Store, so has the actor, host and comedian hit hard times? Actually, Cannon, DJ Carisma, Teddy Mora and Melissa Rios raided the market to help others. The four hosts from Power 106’s Nick in the Morning competed in a grabbing everything they can in 99 seconds and donating whatever they picked up to the L.A. Mission. Well, after they paid for it of course.
Personally, if I were them, I would have gone in the back or down the first aisle where all the food is. Then I would have gone done the aisle with the medicine and stuff. However, I would not have picked up the condoms and pregnancy tests because that is the only thing I don’t trust from them. Oh and they should have gone down the toy aisle because they have some cool toys. Don’t tell my nieces that is where I get their presents.
BTW, I know that Burbank store very well. Hopefully, they cleaned up their mess after they left because the workers are good at keeping that place tidy!
Seriously, it is nice when a morning show does good and this is doing a very good thing.
To see them “shopping,” then click here!
Is Bruno Tonioli really 63? |
August 20th, 2019 under Bruno Tonioli, Dancing with the Stars. [ Comments: none ]

Bruno Tonioli shared a photo of himself in his tighty whities and you have to wonder if he is really 63 years old? That is because the Dancing with the Stars judge looks just as good now in his underwear as he did when he starred in Elton John’s I’m Still Standing back in 1983.
What his secret for not aging a day in 36 years? He says, “Laughter is always the best medicine 😂 #fun #lifeisshort #nevertakeyourselftooseriously” Therefore, keep laughing, it is obviously great for the stomach muscles! Look at his, they remind me I have to do my laundry.
BTW tomorrow we find out who will be Dancing with the Stars this season. In the words of Men At Work, “Who can it be now?”
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