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Wax on The Goldbergs son tonight!
March 1st, 2017 under Madame Tussauds, The Goldbergs. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80somethings kids and teens were in love with The Karate Kid. Most of us were Daniel sons, while others were Johnnys. Tonight at 8p on ABC’s The Goldbergs, you will see the whole family become them.

The other Adam Goldberg (Oliver Cooper) at Adam F Goldberg’s (Sean Giambrone) school wants his name back and threatens our Adam to give it back to him. The other Adam challenges our Adam to a fight and Barry (Troy Gentile) comes up with a brilliant idea for them to battle it out at school. That idea is for the two of them to do Kara-te like they do in The Karate Kids movie. Only problem is our Adam doesn’t know how to do it. Luckily Barry knows a Mr Miyago who can help him out. Will it be enough for our Adam to keep his name. What will happen when Bev (Wendi McLendon-Covey) finds out about the match?

Then there is Erica (Hayley Orrantia) and Geoff (Sam Lerner), who are still trying to figure things out after they shared that passionate kiss. Will they become the couple they are meant to be? Let’s just say they realize they have more in common with one of the actors from The Karate Kid than they thought. Will that help them make their decision?

One decision that is easy, is tuning into The Goldbergs is always the right thing to do!

Make sure not to tune of the episode after we get see the real Barry do his Kara-te because there is a nice surprise for Karate Kids fans at the very end!


Andrew Garfield backflips for what Taylor Lautner can do with his mouth
March 1st, 2017 under Andrew Garfield, James Corden, Taylor Lautner, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
James Corden added a new segment to The Late Late Show yesterday where we get to find out the secret talents of celebrities.

Did you know that Andrew Garfield can do a backflip. Kendall Jenner can sound like how she eats, a bird. Stevie Nicks almost had a landslide of tears after she hit herself in the head with baton after showing us how she can twirl one. Finally, there is Taylor Lautner who can catch a grape in his mouth no matter how far away it is thrown from.

And here we thought we knew their talents, now we know they are more talented then we thought they were. That and why they kept those talents secret.


Conan Without Borders mends relations with Mexico tonight!
March 1st, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Back when 45 declared that Mexico was going to pay for the wall between them and the US and they said they weren’t, things seemed strained between the neighboring countries. Conan O’Brien decided to take matters into his own hand to mend relations between us and them by taking his TBS talk show down to Mexico City. Tonight at 10p, we see what happens in Conan Without Borders: Made in Mexico.

The show opens up with him going to the Border Fence and trying to get into the country. They were obviously smart and didn’t want to let him in. He sneaks past them and now it is time for him to entertain the Mexican studio audience with some jokes in Spanish. He didn’t want them to get lost in translation like it does here in America. Sorry, Conan I had to. They laughed as hard as you will.

Anyways, next he shows them what happens when he asks people on the streets of Mexico if they will pay for the wall. Their answers are what you would expect, no but with explanations why. They love America and don’t want the divide that a small minority of Americans want.

In fact, this sentiment will be heard loud and clear when Rogue One’s Diego Luna talks to Conan about that topic and so much more during their interview. We will also see Conan join a Mexican telenovela, dance and play with a street band, learn how wrestle with the Lucha Libre and interview former Mexican President Vicente Fox.

He actually did a whole lot more like go to a Quinceañera, but there was only so much he could fit into the one hour special. A special that will be special to both sides of the border. One that needs to be watched by all, so we can tell 45, “Mr President, Don’t build that wall!”


Will you still love Ron Howard when he’s 63?
March 1st, 2017 under 70s. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Ron Howard’s 63rd birthday and his wife Cheryl made him a little surprise for it. He said his “all-time favorite Graham Crackers with White Icing like my Mom used to make.” By the looks of Opie Cunningham’s face with his birthday hat, he is loving every minute of it!

In fact, even though he is two years away from becoming a senior citizen, he still looks just like he did when he was Opie Taylor and Richie Cunnigham. Well, he didn’t have a beard back then but you know what I meant.

Here is to wishing him a very happy birthday and many more!


What would make Mr T shave his infamous mohawk?
March 1st, 2017 under Dancing with the Stars, Mr. T. [ Comments: none ]

ABC announced today on Good Morning America who will be on Dancing with Stars this season and I am rooting for Mr T and Charo to win it all. In fact, I hope ABC will watch them and think we need to give them a sitcom together. I Coochie the Fool!

Anyways, after it was announced that A-Team’s lead man was going to be on the Dancing competition show, he took to Twitter. He said, “Between me and you, I really can’t dance! But I will do my very best for the children @shrinershosp and @StJude. But make no mistake about it Fool! I will train and will practice real hard. Even when I am tired and sore, I’ll keep rehearsing! Grrr! Now, if I just happen to win, I will cutoff my Mohawk to stand in solidarity with the children who are fighting cancer! GOD bless them! But if we don’t win, what a Pity! It won’t be because I didn’t try hard! Oh no…, ’cause I’m gonna bring it everyday Fool!” That is enough to make me vote for him every week because I want to see what he would look like without it.

To see who else is taking it to the dance floor, then click here!


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