Taylor Lautner and Joey King: 2009 vs 2023 |
July 11th, 2023 under Joey King, Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]
Taylor Lautner and Joey King joined Taylor Swift on stage over the weekend. However, that was not the first time they met.
They first met in 2009, and they took some photos. So when they reunited, they decided to recreate the photos from their past.
And we get to enjoy their cuteness.
Taylor Lautner is not too old to take a bubble bath |
April 14th, 2023 under Taking a bath, Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]
Taylor Lautner might be a married 31-year-old man, but that doesn’t mean he is too old to have a fun bubble bath.
So, he spent 45 minutes creating the perfect bath filled with tons of bubbles, got in, and made a hat made of bubbles.
And let’s be honest, we all need to let Calgon to take us away every now and again. Although, on days like that, it is more fun to use Mr. Bubble instead.
Taylor Lautner’s fiancee reveals if she is Team Edward or Team Jacob? |
June 30th, 2022 under Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]
Tay Dome is engaged to Taylor Lautner, so you would assume that she is Team Jacob?
Well, she did one of those videos where you show your childhood crush and who you are with today. Who was her childhood crush? It was Robert Pattinson, and now she is his with his Twilight nemesis.
So, at the end of the day, we can say Jacob won! Because Bella didn’t choose either the werewolf or the vampire.
Taylor Lautner learned a painful lesson |
February 21st, 2019 under Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]

Taylor Lautner showed off his new short do, but the cut was not by choice. The Twilight werewolf explained, “When you try to cut your own hair and it goes horribly wrong so your only choice is to take it all off 🤦🏽♂️”
I know he looks sad about it, but I don’t think he has reason to be upset about his new hairstyle. Not because it grows back, but it makes me want to howl at the moon. Don’t you think he looks sexy with it?
Is Taylor Lautner trying to let us know he wants to be Batman? |
January 10th, 2018 under Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]

It looks like Warner Bros is going to need a new Bruce Wayne soon, and you have to wonder if Taylor Lautner is throwing his hat into the mix. Especially since he is wearing a Batman mask as a hat. Do you think he would do a good job as the Caped Crusader?
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