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Watch a reporter not know he is interviewing Adrian Peterson?
March 3rd, 2017 under Sports figures, TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Reporters have been interviewing people on the street since the dawn of TV News, but how many times do they actually interview a celebrity as one of those Man on the Streets? Never if ever.

But that streak came to an end on Wednesday when Fox 26’s John Donnelly interviewed Adrian Peterson about road rage, not knowing he was interviewing a local sports hero about the subject. At the end of their conversation when the Houston reporter asked for his subject’s name for his story, that is when he found out he was talking the Football legend and his reaction is priceless.

In his defense, sports stars look different when they are not dressed up in their gear. Which is a good thing because it gave us this classic moment.


Gronk puts on Zac Efron’s Baywatch Speedo
February 7th, 2017 under Sports figures, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

Rob Gronkowski watched from the sidelines (due to an injury) as his Patriots come from behind to win the Super Bowl this Sunday and because of that he missed the all the commercials that aired during the game. Which probably explains why he didn’t realize that the bathing suit The Rock gave him from Baywatch was Zac Efron’s and not Pamela Anderson’s. Therefore you can understand why he reacted the way he did when he found out whose bottom he just rubbed all over his head. Which is something I would like to do, him not so much.
Now when it comes to Gronk and DJ, someone needs to give them a movie because they are hysterical together. Don’t you just love their chemistry?


Tom Brady is actually funny
February 3rd, 2017 under 70s, Brad Garrett, Conan O'Brien, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien challenged Tom Brady to play in the 3rd Annual Clueless Gamer Super Bowl Edition and he plays videogames like he does football. For the win!
The TBS host won the first round, and the legendary Quarterback not won the rest of that game, he won the rest of the matches with other football players like Atlanta Falcons’ Dwight Freeney and Seattle Seahawks Legend Marshawn Lynch.
But it wasn’t only about killing each other in For Honor, the Ballers along with New England Patriots’ Rob Gronkowski and LeGarrette Blount also killed each other with the jokes. We know that Brady can throw a ball, but who knew he could throw a joke or too? And the disses scored touched downs. I seriously never thought it would he would be funny because he seems dull, but there seems to be another side to him. I guess it is that humor that helped him land the highest paid super model as wife. Well that and his looks, money and being a winner, I guess?


Congrats Chicago Cubs!
November 3rd, 2016 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]
For the first time in 108 years, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series and the city couldn’t wait to celebrate their long awaited win!
To give you a hint how long ago that was, all of the television news stations that covered the game were not around then because TV was still 18 years away from being displayed. The first baseball game to be broadcast on radio was still 12 years away and 30 years from being seen on television. We were also 18 years away from the first movie with sound aka Talkies.
There were just 16 baseball teams unlike the 30 that we have today.There were only 46 states, New Mexico and Arizona were still territories. Only 14% of houses had bathtubs inside of them and 8% had phones. Only 30 people lived in Las Vegas. The average worker made less than $400 a year. The first computer would not be completed until 1946.
Four months after the Cubs clinched the second World Series in a row, construction would begin on a little boat called the Titanic. No World Wars has been fought. The Hollywood Sign was 14 years away from being built.
The oldest Chicago Cubs fan living in Chicago was months away from being born. In fact, Kirk Douglas, Betty White, Queen Elizabeth II Larry King, you and me were not even born yet.
A lot has changed since 1908, some for them better, some for the worst. But one thing that has been constant is how much we all love baseball and that feeling of enjoyment we all got yesterday to see a team win a title that hadn’t won in 108 years.


Tom Brady has had way too much time on his hands!
October 21st, 2016 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Brady hasn’t been playing football because he was suspended due to Inflagate. What has been doing during his suspension? He went on vacation with his wife Gisele Bundchen and ate candy.
The way he is eating that UnReal candy bar makes me think he needs to give up that weird Vegan diet and eat as much candy as he desires. Because that almost looked like p0rn to me.


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