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Who is late night’s mystery guest coming up on Thursday?
August 2nd, 2019 under Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Sue Trowbridge, who runs the site Interbridge noticed something strange about the guest booking for the late night shows on August 8th. Since she has been listing which people are going to be on what talk shows since 1994, she would know if something is out of the ordinary.

What did she notice? She saw that Conan, Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Late Night with Seth Meyers and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert all have a “Special Guest TBA.” Who this guest is, we have no idea since they are to be announced.

Here are some of my theories. My first thought is Beyonce is going to release an album on the 9th and she is going to make the announcement on their shows. Or maybe one of the studios is releasing a secret movie next Friday? Could Oprah Winfrey or Michelle Obama be announcing that they are running for President of the United States? What about a bunch of celebrities announcing a telethon to raise money for something? Avengers: Endgame is coming out on home video the 13th, what if a cast member appears on each show with a special announcement.

Here is another interesting question, how will they handle it? Will they each get an exclusive with said guest? They all tape and air at different times. Would they all set a certain time so they could all interview them at the same time in a group interview? Will the guest give all of them a pre-taped statement? Will they each interview the person individually? Since Conan airs first, we will have to wait until T0ursday at 11p to find out.

Who do you think the mystery guest is? It has to be someone HUGE and it is not television show related.


Proof Tom Hanks’ career has been leading to A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
July 23rd, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Tom Hanks. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Sony released the trailer for Tom Hanks as Mister Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. Part of starring in that movie is singing the theme song that every kid knows until this day

However, the Oscar winner has sung that song before in several of his movies. It was just in code, a code that Jimmy Fallon broke on The Tonight Show yesterday.

Therefore, his films like Philadelphia, Big and Toy Story were all leading to this. Who knew?


BTWF: Jimmy Fallon in Almost Famous
July 17th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jimmy Fallon was killing every night on The Tonight Show, he admitted to killing someone in Almost Famous. He looks younger now than he did when he was 25 in that 2000 movie.

Did you know that they are making a musical of the movie and are hoping to bring it to Broadway? If it makes it to the Great White Way, then Cameron Crowe told the NBC host yesterday that he would like him to reprise his role any night he wants. Fallon could not contain his excitement over that offer. Can you blame him? What NYer doesn’t want to perform on the Broadway stage just once. My dad did Off Broadway and I did Lincoln Center, and that is the closest either one of us ever got to doing it.


Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert’s NeverEnding Story!
July 16th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Limahl, Netflix, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]
I will admit, I am one of the few people who has not seen Stranger Things season 3 yet. I am still stuck on season 2. However, I have heard about the NeverEnding Story scene. Since I have been a neverending fan of Limahl’s, I have been curious about that scene.

Then last night late night competitors Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert went from their shared love of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to ’80s soundtrack songs that are bigger than the movies they are from. In other words, they did that scene from the Netflix show, so now I get what all the fuss is about.

Even though The Tonight Show and The Late Show go head-to-head, the two hosts are in perfect harmony when they sing.

Now back to Limahl, personally, NeverEnding Story is not one of my favorite songs of his. I prefer everything off of his album Colour All My Days and from Kajagoogoo over it. Which means you need to discover his tunes. He is becoming a huge hit again on Spotify, so start there.

Now, if you are like me and have not seen the scene that started all of this, then click here!


The cast of Stranger Things scare people
June 27th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Madame Tussauds, Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Fallon invited the cast of Stranger Things to go to Madame Tussauds in NYC. Not to look at the wax figures of other famous people. Instead, he wanted them to pretend to be wax versions of their characters and scare unsuspecting fans. Oh, and since The Tonight Show host cannot be left out, he filled in for Barb. Poor Barb.

Also, poor tourists who got the shock of their lives when the Netflix kids came to life. None of them suspected that the actors were actually living and not the life-size candle versions of themselves. Funny how scared they got.

You know I just realized I never watched the second season of this show. I better watch it now because season three is coming up on July 4th


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