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Did you know Wookies have a Chewbaccapella group?
July 13th, 2018 under Conan O'Brien, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien is heading to San Diego Comic-Con and he got his favorite A Capella group to perform a number on his show. They are Chewbaccapella and they performed an old Irish melody for the host. Their version of Danny Boy left us saying, “Oh Danny boy, I love you so!”

The thing I love about Conan is that he is willing to let a bit be as stupid as it needs to be to get a laugh!


Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and Conan O’Brien have a late-night three-way
June 27th, 2018 under Conan O'Brien, Donald Trump, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: 2 ]

The other night during one of Donald Trump’s “love me” rallies, he bashed some of the late night hosts and called them names. Shocking, right?

Anyhoo, you cannot go off on the late night hosts and not expect them to respond. So they did. Stephen Colbert decided to video chat with his competition who are now his allies on this matter. Well at least one of them understands what The Late Show host is going through and that is The Tonight Show host who the president told to be a man. Which let’s be honest with each other, Jimmy Fallon is the man and always has been. And then there is Conan O’Brien, who POTUS ignored. Therefore, the host of the TBS show does the same.

You know what, they should make this a weekly segment and changeup the shows when they do it. Because as long as he is president, they are going to make fun of him and he is going to say stuff back towards them. They are comedians, and he is, just well, sad.


Conan O’Brien says he has the World’s Largest PENIS?
June 18th, 2018 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

The other night during his monologue Conan O’Brien talked about the man with the World’s Largest Penis. The TBS late host said that man “claims it ruined his acting career.” Then he added, “On the plus side, it did get me my own late show.”

After loving the applauds, he sadly revealed it was not true. And yet, I cannot stop staring at his crotch to see if there might be the tiniest truth to what he said. It did not hurt that he unbuttoned his jacket giving us a full view.

Unfortunately for him, I have seen those specials about that man he is talking about. The real owner of that massive appendage makes Jon Hamm look like what we think Donald Trump looks like down there.


Dwayne ‘The Dog’ Johnson is giving The Rock some competition!
June 15th, 2018 under Animals, Conan O'Brien, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

There is a cat known as Buff Cat because he is muscular. My cat is like him, except her muscles are all fat and fur.

Anyways, there is a writer’s assistant on Conan and she has a little 3-pound Chihuahua called Dwayne “The Dog” Johnson. When she saw Buff Cat, she wanted to make her puppy just like the kitty. After several strength training lessons, it worked! Now he is so strong that he can pull a refrigerator all by himself. Take that, The Rock.

I was so impressed by The Dog that I gave my cat some lessons. She is home alone and I am in the hospital getting a blood transfusion. But at least she got a workout and I lost a pound too. A pound of blood.

Seriously though, I love how they say you should never work with animals and this pooch showed us why. Give him some loving and he will come over to you and give you some back!


Imagine Kelsey Grammer as Han Solo
May 25th, 2018 under Conan O'Brien, Kelsey Grammer. [ Comments: none ]

Kelsey Grammer was on Conan O’Brien’s talk show the other night and he told him a remarkable story about his first audition.

Back in 1975, the 20-year-old got kicked out of Julliard, but voice teacher, Edith Skinner, saw something special in him, Therefore, she got him in touch with an agent.

Grammer went over to meet Mort Schwartz, who then sent him out to meet with some guy named Lucas who was doing a movie about outer space. He took the address and walked over to meet this Lucas guy. That was when the director said he was doing a “fairytale in space” about two men who rescue a princess. Lucas felt he might be too old for the younger guy and just a tad bit too young to star as the older guy. Although, maybe he could get away with playing a John Wayne type character. Finally, Lucas told him he would think about it. Well, I guess he never gave him another thought because that was the last time the actor ever heard from him.

Two years later, Grammer goes to the movies to see something called Star Wars and he realized what an opportunity he missed out on. Granted, nearly a decade later he got his big break and he spent the next two decades playing Fraser Crane. I guess you can say it worked out OK for him.

Plus, he has a great first audition story because how many people can say they auditioned to play Han Solo?

BTW While I don’t think that Grammer would have made the best Han Solo, I think that Harrison Ford would have been awesome Fraser Crane. What do you think if the roles were reversed?


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