Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022 » February
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Murderville kills it with the jokes on Netflix
February 3rd, 2022 under Conan O'Brien, Ken Jeong, Netflix, Sharon Stone, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

Will Arnett teamed up with Netflix to give us Murderville, a murder mystery show that is half scripted and half improv. Will Arnett and a few other cast members are given a basic script, and the episode’s guest star is not given one. That guest has to pay attention because they have to solve the murder of the week.

Who are the victims? I mean guest cops, who work alongside Terry Seattle (Arnett)? They are Annie Murphy, Conan O’Brien, Ken Jeong, Kumail Nanjiani, Marshawn Lynch, Sharon Stone. Believe it or not, football star Lynch was the best one of them all, and they were all great as they put up with the comedic punches.

Each episode starts off with Chief Rhonda Jenkins-Seattle (Haneefah Wood) telling her soon-to-be ex-husband that he is getting a new partner. Then Seattle banters with them before they go to the morgue. When they get there, they are greeted by Medical Examiner Amber Kang (Lillian Bowen). She tells them how each victim was murdered and gives them some clues. Now, Seattle and his partner of the week are off to interview three different suspects. At the end of the interrogations, the guest star has to reveal who they think did and why? Once they make their reveal, the chief comes out and tells them if they are correct or if they are wrong.

Sounds easy, it isn’t. This is one of the few police procedurals where I didn’t get any of the killers correct. But then again, it could be because the biggest guest star was the cop and not the murderer. How evil is that?

Not as evil as Arnet is to all of them. He keeps them on their toes with his humor. All of the guest stars have to play off of him and not laugh. Jeong kept breaking while Stone was able to one-up his crazy antics. And there is Conan, who was taken down by a little girl. It was so awesome to watch.

Actually, all six episodes are fun to watch, and I hope that Netflix orders more because I need and want it. I need an episode with Will Forte!

Murderville is the type of show that you binge in one afternoon. However, you are going to watch it again to see if you can resolve all of the crimes now that you know who committed them and why.


I need the KFC Chicken Sandwich Snuggler!
February 3rd, 2022 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

KFC came out with a huge pillow that looks just like one of their chicken sandwiches. Not only does it look good enough to eat, but the squishy snuggler also looks good enough to snuggle with all night long.

Who needs a man when you can spork with that soft dreamy cushion? Not me! Well, maybe I do, but since I can’t get a man and I can get the imitation for $99, I will take what I can get. That is unless my cat gets jealous and shreds it to look like Kentucky Fried Chicken’s coleslaw.

Guess what I am getting for lunch because I talked myself into it.


Prime Video gets Dolly Parton to host the ACMs!
February 3rd, 2022 under Dolly Parton, Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

Stacie Huckeba

CBS parted ways with the American Country Music awards, and Prime Video picked it up. Therefore, they wanted to go big, and they are. They asked Dolly Parton if she would do it, and she said yes!

Actually she said, “I am so excited to be hosting the ACM Awards on March 7 from Vegas. Watch for us because we’re going to have some fun.”

I am not a huge fan of Country Music or awards shows, but I am going to be watching this one because of Miss Dolly.

However, I don’t know why they think she needs co-hosts to help her. She can do it all by herself unless they are thinking of asking Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin to do it!

One last note, the reason why they were able to get Parton to do it, is she releasing her album Run Rose Run on March 4th. You can get exclusive merchandise on Amazon to go with the record and the book which accompanies it that comes out on April 5th.


Hot Links!
February 3rd, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is showing a lot of leg? – Celebitchy

A tale of two Late Night hosts – Pajiba

Salma Hayek is a Goddess – Screen Rant

Gwyneth Paltrow is eating her vagina – Dlisted

Vanessa Hudgens shows a lot of a$$ – Drunken Stepfather

What is the meaning behind John Mellencamp’s Pink Houses – Grunge


A new low for The Masked Singer
February 3rd, 2022 under Alan and Robin Thicke, Ken Jeong. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fox News

If you thought that The Masked Singer could not go any lower than booking Sarah Palin to be on the celebrity singing competition, you are wrong. That is because Deadline is reporting that Rudy Guliani is unmasked in the season premiere.

As soon as Robin Thicke and Ken Jeong saw his sweaty face covered in spray-on hair, they rightfully got up and left in protest. Of course, anti-vaxer Jenny McCarthy stayed, as did Nicole Scherzinger, who will never abandon a camera.

Eventually, the two men came back to the set. What happens next? We will have to tune in to Fox on March 9th to find out.

One last note, this shows how badly Guiliani needs money to pay his legal fees for trying to destroy America’s democracy.


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