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Derrick Nnadi is the true MVP of the KC Chiefs and KC pets!
February 3rd, 2020 under Admirable People, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]
Derrick Nnadi was so excited that the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl yesterday that he made confetti angels on the field. Turns out, he is also an angel when he is standing on all two paws.

After the game, the Defensive Tackle made a phone call that will change hundreds of lives. He called up the KC Pet Project and made them an offer they could not refuse. The animal shelter wrote, “KC WINS! We are so excited to announce that the Kansas City Chiefs defensive tackle, Derrick Nnadi is choosing to celebrate the Super Bowl win by paying for the adoptions of all the adoptable dogs currently at KC Pet Project!

We have had an amazing, season-long, partnership with Derrick and he couldn’t have thought of a better ending.”

Since the news of his generosity broke, the no-kill shelter say, “44 pets left the shelter today (38 dogs and 6 cats) with new families and up to 30 more are going home tomorrow! Of the 109 dogs that qualified for the sponsorship, around 40-50 of those dogs will still be available after tomorrow, which is incredible.” Beyond incredible and at least one of those best friends better be named after their benefactor.

If you want to adopt (never shop) one of the remaining pups, then you can see them here.

The 23-year-old already has the Derrick Nnadi Foundation that not only helps pets, but also children in both Kansas City, Missouri and his hometown Virginia Beach, Virgina. Like I said, he is an angel. Even if he did got to Florida State. Nnadi is one to watch and I cannot wait to see what else he does on and off of the field.


Who has the bigger brain: Anthony Anderson or his TV daughter Marsai Martin
February 3rd, 2020 under Anthony Anderson, National Geographic. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p, Anthony Anderson and his black-ish daughter Marsai Martin go head to head, I mean brain to brain, on Nat Geo’s Brain Games. Did you know there are things our brains are better at when we are kids than when we are adults and vice versa? Anderson, who does not like to lose, and Martin, find that out first hand. Only one of them will be victorious. However, it is not their ability that will help them to win. It is their age.

Above, you can watch the first challenge. Children have a faster response time than adults, as you will see when Anderson loses more than just the round. After each challenge, the show’s host Keegan-Michael Key will explain why that is.

There are other challenges on tonight’s episode. We have all heard that kids can learn languages faster than adults, so the show puts that to the test. Both stars learn new words for things they already know, and then are tested to see who soaked up the new information better.

That is a learning thing, but who is better at balancing, hearing, and not being tricked by what you read as compared to what you see? What does that mean? You will have to tune in for Anderson’s craziest moments during the episode.

There is one final round for the two. Who is a bigger risk-takers, the teenager or the man with a Peter Pan complex? Could this be the round that defies science?

On the science note, I enjoy watching the chemistry between Anderson and Martin. She seemed more like the adult of the two, which made me laugh. I am certain it will do the same for you.

Even though, it sounds like I might be knocking Anderson, I adore his youthful personality. It is why he has always stood out to me since Hang Time. Talk about taking it back old school.

Now, that I know some of the things I am better at than a child. I cannot wait to test it out on my 10-year-old niece.

When it comes to the show in general, even though it is in its 8th season, it is new to me. I plan on watching it again. I like learning new things like this. However, since I am older, I might have to watch each episode a few times to really absorb all of that information. You know, since they say the older you get, the harder it is to learn.


Hamilton gets its shot on the big screen
February 3rd, 2020 under Lin-Manuel Miranda. [ Comments: none ]

I think I might be the only person who has never seen Hamilton, but that will change on October 15, 2021. That is because Disney announced today that they are bringing Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton to the big screen.

Instead of turning it into a huge movie production, that people will whine about, we will be seeing the original Broadway cast performing the Tony-winning show at The Richard Rodgers Theatre with the art of “live capture.” What does that mean? The press release says they will be “combining the best elements of live theater and film.”

If this works, then I would expect more shows to go from the Great White Way to Hollywood, so that people all over the world can experience it in its original form. Most likely, it will not be as good as the real thing. However, it will be a sh!tload cheaper. That is something my wallet really loves because who can afford Broadway these days? Then again, who can afford going to the movies these days? Thankfully, Disney+ is affordable and I will be able to watch to Hamilton on it in 2022. That is only two years away.


Julian Lennon reveals he has skin cancer
February 3rd, 2020 under Julian Lennon, Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

Julian Lennon says he went into 2020 all optomistic with a smile on his face, after going through a rough five years since his mother passed. Then last week, his world was turned upside down.

Yesterday, the singer explained what happened, “I went to visit My dermatologist, here in LA, when she noticed a little bump on My head, that was actually a Mole, that had been there, along with a Birthmark, for the last 57 years…. But this time, it looked & felt a little different.

“She urged me to have a Biopsy 2 days ago, which I obliged… Only to learn, 24 hrs later, that it was Malignant/Cancerous, and that her recommendation was to get it removed immediately, which is what happened today…. Hopefully We managed to remove all that was cancerous, but the Mole is being sent off again, for a further/deeper analysis, and I’ll have those results next week.”

He did not share his diagnosis with us “for sympathy.” Instead, he wants everyone to go to their doctors twice a year for checkups because “Life is too Short… Don’t make it shorter, by being ignorant about Your Own health.” Amen.

Even though he still has a full head of hair, the sun can still penetrate through. You might think you are safe from the sun, but you never know. It is a really important lesson for all of us to take care of ourselves. It does not have to be just skin cancer, it can be anything. Don’t wait until it is too late.

Hopefully, next week, he will get some good news and find out they got it all.


Ryan Seacrest is neck deep in it
February 3rd, 2020 under Katy Perry, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

How many times have you wanted to bury Ryan Seacrest up to his neck in sand and leave him there? Well, Katy Perry beat us to it. Over the weekend, the American Idol regulars went to Hawaii, stayed at Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa, and had some fun in the sand. For the host, it was literally in the sand.

According to his Instagram, he is still there. Do you think they should dig him up? After all, he did give us the Kardashians.

BTW this is the worst take of Beach Blanket Bimbo, I mean Bingo, yet. Sorry, it was too easy not to go there.


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