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Modern Family is wrapped
February 22nd, 2020 under Modern Family, Sofia Vergara. [ Comments: 4 ]
After 11 years, Modern Family filmed their final scene. To commemorate the end of filming, they all sang along to Green Day’s Time of My Life. With each word, they tried not to cry, but their tears were flowing. Even the funniest shows have their sad moments. Theirs was saying goodbye to one another.

The final episode airs on April 8th.


The one where the Friends get together for an unscripted reunion
February 21st, 2020 under Friends (cast), HBO Max. [ Comments: none ]

The on-again, off-again unscripted Friends reunion is offically on. HBO Max announced that the deal was signed on the dotted line by Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer today, so that means it is happening.

They did not say when it would air, but it sounds like it will be part of the streaming service’s launch in May. For those of you who desperately need your Friends’ fix, that will be when all 236 will be available to stream.

I know Friends’ fans are excited by this news, but I picture it being a total snobfest from most of the six. There is a certain amount of arrogance that comes off from some of them. Not saying which ones, but we all know who they are.

Anyways, I don’t think it will be as fun as the sitcom because they are not like their scripted characters. Therefore, it will be interesting to see how they will do without a script. Not sure if Perry will be able to save it. He is the only one I have seen of the six that can be naturally funny and not make it be all about him. Although, I think Kudrow will be able to help him out. Will the other four be able to do the same? I am not sure they can.

But hey, at least the fans will be able to say they got a reunion. Isn’t that what they have been asking for, for all of this time? I wonder if they will be disappointed when they realize that this is just a reunion special that is all talk and not an actual new episode.

BTW Can you tell I am not a fan of Friends? I liked the first few seasons, but then I got bored with it.


Hunters is a thrilling Nazi hunting ride
February 21st, 2020 under Al Pacino, Prime Video. [ Comments: none ]

Before I start my review, I want to let you know I avoid watching anything with Nazis and Al Pacino. However, one day I was bored, and I decided to watch the screeners for Hunters that has both of those elements. Within three minutes, I was all hook, line, and tie up the Nazi bastards! You will see why when you watch Hunters that is available to binge on Amazon Prime now.

It starts out with Biff Simpson (Dylan Baker) having the all-American BBQ at his house, and inviting people over to enjoy. The wife of one of his workers realizes that Biff is not who he says he is. He is one of the Nazis from her concentration camp. What happens next is how I knew I was going to eat up this show.

Hunters is what Quentin Tarantino dreams of doing if only he could edit himself. It is full of action, fun, violence and so many WTF moments. It has everything from a Bat Mitzvah scene to introduce our Hunters to a spontaneous dance scene at Coney Island.

Before we get to that, let’s get to the story that takes place in the summer of 1977 in Brooklyn, NY. Jonah Heidelbaum’s (Logan Lerman) grandmother is shot and killed at their house, and he doesn’t know why. At the Shiva call, he meets Meyer (Al Pacino), a man who knew her from the camps.

Jonah wants revenge on the man who killed his grandmother and will do anything to get it. When Meyer bails him out of jail, he gets the info he needs to kill her killer. He goes after that guy, but Meyer learns of his plan and stops him.

That is when Meyer tells him the truth, he, Jonah’s grandmother and seven other people are Nazi hunters. They have made it their life’s mission to kill all of the Nazis in America. While they are hunting Nazis, there are hunters hunting them.

Travis (Greg Austin) is a sick f*ck who will kill anyone in his path, whether they are on his hit list or not. He is not the one that killed Jonah’s grandmother, but he will do plenty of killing.

He’s the bad guy, these are the good guys. Lonny Flash (Josh Radnor) is an actor with many disguises. Sister Harriet (Greg Austin), a former MI-6 agent. Joe Torrance (Louis Ozawa) did three tours in Vietnam and know how to use a gun. Roxy Jones (Tiffany Boone) is an all around bad-a$$ who can do it all. Mindy (Carol Kane) and Murray Markowitz (Saul Rubinek) were in the camps and now they are weapons experts. Finally, Jonah is their codebreaker.

Together they make up a weird bunch, but they get the job done. When they get word that there is an attack about to happen in two weeks, their timeline is moved up to stop an event that could change the world as the Kennedy assassinations did.

Will they work on their own, or will they work with the authorities? Millie (Jerrika Hinton) is an FBI agent who is investigating all of these dead Nazis. Whose side is she on? The Hunters or the hunted? She will get close to finding out who they are, but is it close enough?

You never know what to expect with each episode, but you know you will be wanting more. It is a modern-day take on Grindhouse with the groovy feel of the ’70s. So many thick sideburns. You will want to go to a disco and buy some shiny wallpaper for your house after you are done with the 10 episodes. I need and want more than that.

Like I said, I am no Pacino fan. I think every character he plays is the same one. However, on this show, I believe he is an old Jewish man from Europe. He reminded me of the Jews I grew up with in NYC. He walks and talks like they do.

Radnor does not walk and talk like we are used to. I had no idea that it was Ted from How I Met Your Mother until I looked up to see who playing Lonny Flash. That is why he is the man of many disguises.

Lerman does not wear any disguises, but I cannot believe this is the same little kid from Jack & Bobby. He turned out to be a really powerful actor who commands the scenes he is.

Then there is Kane and Rubinek, two of lovable actors who are playing spouses. They are the honey we put on apples for a good year. The show is the apples and they are the honey.

While most of the show is enjoyable to watch, even with the torture scenes, there are some scenes that are tortuous to watch. They also show flashbacks to the camps and we see what Jonah’s grandmother (Jeannie Berlin) and young Meyer (Zack Schor) went through in the camps. The sadism of the Nazis is disturbing and traumatizing.

Something creator David Weil knows all to well. His grandmother was in the camps and she told her grandson all about the horrors she witnessed and experienced. He turned her story into one where she can finally get revenge on all of the monsters. But he says if we kill the monsters, then do we risk becoming a monster ourselves?

Watch the first season on Amazon Prime now and tell me, do they become the monsters that they are eliminating one by one?


Justin Bieber tells James Corden to swallow and not spit
February 21st, 2020 under James Corden, Justin Theroux. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Bieber continued his week of appearances on The Late Late Show yesterday by playing Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with James Corden. He did a lot of spilling his guts, but not as in tea. The smell and taste of some of the food choices made him gag until the ant and scorpion covered yogurt made him spill it all which also included a shrimp and three chili smoothie. That yummy yum, that yummy yummy.

While he was not able to keep it down, the CBS host was not able to do it either. That is because he was not swallowing the delicacies; he was just spitting them out. When the Beebs realized what his competitor was doing, he told him to swallow. I wonder if that is the first time Bieber told someone to swallow and not spit? And that line was the whole reason for this post. It was worth it for me, and I hope for you too.


Remember Aileen Quinn?
February 21st, 2020 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

If you asked almost every female child of the ’80s, what is one of her favorite movies, then she will most likely tell you, Annie. She wanted to be Aileen Quinn and live in Daddy Warbucks mansion. She also knew every word to every song from the musical. She would sing It’s a Hard Knock Life with her friends and Tomorrow to her dad.

In fact, she could probably still do that today. However, no one can do it better than Quinn herself. While we are not hearing her sing in this photo, we are getting to see that the actress has the same smile she had when that movie came out in 1982. As we now, you are never fully dressed without one.

That means that the 48-year-old was fully dressed when she signed autographs at The Hollywood Show a few weeks ago. I am sure her huge smile brought huger smiles to her fans.


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