Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020 » February
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An ’80s music fan’s wet dream: a-ha and Rick Astley!
February 24th, 2020 under 80s, Rick Astley, Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80s, everyone was watching the music video for a-ha’s Take On Me, and singing Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up. However, the pop artists never met.

Well, now a-ha and Australia are getting RickRolled because both of them touring a land down under together. What a bill!

BTW Morten Harket is still as sexy now as he was when his life was all black and white.

What I would give to hear The Sun Always Shines On T.V. live. Maybe they will continue to be Together Forever or as long as it takes to them to play LA together. I would pay to see their tour.


The Cleaver brothers from Leave It to Beaver reunited
February 24th, 2020 under 60s, Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Leave It to Beaver debuted in 1957, everyone has been in love with the Beaver and his brother Wally. Now, 62 years later, Jerry Mathers and Tony Dow recently reunited at The Hollywood Show. It is nice to see their friendship has lasted as long as their show that is still airing in syndication.

I find that shows where the casts remain close after it has its run are the ones that last the longest in syndication. It is as though we can feel their chemistry through the screen.

Now let’s talk about the actors, can you believe they are in their 70’s? They both aged really well. Maybe it is time they revived the show again, and their grandsons are the best of friends like they were.


Bradley Whitford is in perfect harmony with his dog
February 24th, 2020 under Bradley Whitford. [ Comments: none ]

They say the longer we have a dog, the more we start to look like them. Bradley Whitford takes that phrase one step further. When Baby Otis needed to wear a cone, so did the actor. Now the two are twinning, and neiher one of them is licking their balls.


Hot Links!
February 24th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

You want to see what Frankie Muniz is doing? – Dlisted

This killer doll looks like Jared Kushner – Pajiba

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are whining – Celebitchy

Which child star is showing off her nipples – Drunken Stepfather

Which Netflix show is getting a broadcast crossover – Screen Rant


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist gives satisfaction
February 23rd, 2020 under Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. [ Comments: 1 ]

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is back for its third episode tonight at 9p on NBC and it gives a lot satisfaction. As in, Zoey (Jane Levy) hears her boss sing (Lauren Graham) The Rolling Stones Can’t Get No Satisfaction. Once Zoey figures out why her boss is singing that song, she tries to ignore her problem. However, her music universe won’t let her get away from that tune. Now, she won’t get any satisfaction until she helps her boss.

Zoey’s mom, Maggie (Mary Steenburgen), is not getting any satisfaction either. That is because Zoey gave her dad, Mitch (Peter Gallagher), who can no longer communicate, a way to communicate. The first word he types is lemonade. No one knows what that means, but he is getting a lot of lemonade.

Being a caregiver is taking its toll on Maggie, and Zoey finds that out when her mom sings to her. What can she do to help her mom sing a happier tune to her?

While Zoey has nothing to sing about, the women in her life do. What we learn is that Steenburgen and Graham can really belt out a tune. What I already knew and tonight’s episode confirms, that ZEP is the best new show of the season. Don’t miss it, the music will not be in your life if you do.


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