Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2018 » June
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Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union’s Bad Boys spinoff gets a home
June 26th, 2018 under Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade, Jessica Alba, Spectrum. [ Comments: none ]

Back in May, NBC passed on LA’s Finest, a spinoff of Bad Boys starring Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union. Then a few weeks later, Canada’s Bell Media picked it up. Today, Alba revealed it will be airing here in the states.

The actress wrote, “We are here to kick ass and take names!!! LA’s Finest has been officially picked up by Charter Communications— marking their first major series order for Spectrum. @gabunion and I are coming at you guys hot with 13 episodes in 2019. It’s going down. 👯🤜🏽💥.”

This is the third cancelled/not picked up show to find a home. Brooklyn Nine-Nine was taken into custody by NBC, Netflix signed a deal with Lucifer and now this. Who is going to save The Last Man on Earth? Someone, anyone, please let me know what happens next because I need to know.

When it comes to LA’s Finest, it better do well. We need as many outlets to save the shows we love that the network’s do not.


Has Anthem Lights created the perfect wedding medley?
June 26th, 2018 under Anthem Lights, Music. [ Comments: none ]

I was at the veterinarian’s office last year and I heard a great medley on the radio. I wanted to know who did it and turns out it is a band that does it all the time. Ever since then, I have been following Anthem Lights and they have given me several musical treats. Their latest is perfect for this time of year.

As June, the wedding month wraps up, they recorded a medley that any couple would love to have played at their reception. They mashed up Rascal Flatt’s Bless the Broken Road, Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years, Train’s Marry Me and John Legend’s All of Me into one beautiful song that would make any newlywed swoon. The only thing it is missing is a song from Ed Sheeran.

Seriously, isn’t the tune so romantic that it just makes you want to fall in love while listening to it? On that note, I am single!


Did Bryan Adams have a one night love affair with Princess Diana?
June 26th, 2018 under Andy Cohen, British Royals, Bryan Adams. [ Comments: 1 ]

For decades it has been rumored that Bryan Adams and Princess Diana had an affair. Yesterday, when the singer was on Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen asked him what type of relationship they had during Plead the Fifth. Adams told the Bravo host they were, “great friends!”

When it comes to rumors that butler used to sneak him into Kensington Palace, he says, “She didn’t sneak me in. I would just roll up.” There you have it, straight from the heart of Adams.

Another thing he talked about is the only dick pic he ever gave to someone. That person is a good friend of Princess Diana’s and it is Elton John. John put the artistic photograph in a gold frame so that no candle in the wind could ever destroy it.

The thing I took away from this chat between Adams and Cohen is that I so want to be friends with the Canadian rocker. He is the epitome of a what a rock star is supposed to be!


Eating dark chocolate 5 times a week is good for the heart!
June 26th, 2018 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

So, I was eating a piece of dark chocolate, savoring the taste in my mouth, when I saw this The Doctors’ video titled, “Need Another Good Reason To Eat Chocolate.” As if I needed another reason, but I still checked it out.

Turns out eating at least 5 ounces of dark chocolate a week helps to prevent coronary related diseases according to a study done by VA Boston Healthcare System. They studied around 140,000 vets, who did that did not have any complications with their heart, and turns out this was the thing they all had in common.

Therefore, if you are like me, you are going to protect the ticker by going to buy the good stuff today. I just wish it was not so bad on my hips, butt and stomach. What can I say, but the heart wants what the heart wants.


This sneaky squirrel stole a doughnut from a cop
June 26th, 2018 under Animals. [ Comments: 2 ]

You know the stereotype of how cops like to eat doughnuts? Well, it is true! At least for one police officer in Anchorage, Alaska.

The other day when an officer was getting ready to eat his frosted doughnut, a cute little squirrel grabbed it away from him before he had the chance. Since no one or no thing comes between a cop and doughnut, he chased after the thief. Unfortunately for him, running on four legs makes you faster than when you do it on two.

Therefore, the criminal got away. But there is an all points bulletin out on the bandit. So keep your eye out on furry squirrel about a foot long with frosting all over his lips. The last description should make him stand out in a lineup. That is if anyone can catch him. Although, after a few more doughnuts that should be an easy task.

When it comes to what he will be charged with, the Anchorage Police Department has this to say, “Seriously. He stole a perfectly good donut. FROM A COP. That’s a straight-up felony. Also… it’s rude.”

In the squirrel’s defense, a nut is a nut even if it is a doughnut.


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