Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017
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The fourth new show to get a full season pick up is…
November 8th, 2017 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday, my friend asked me is Dynasty dead? I told him, you never know with The CW. I mean it is doing poorly in the ratings. It go no buzz after the May announcement. Heck, it does not even get hate viewing feedback, which it totally should. Therefore, its demise seemed logical. Well to most people, and none of those people seem to work at The CW. That’s because the network gave it a full season order. Which means people like me who do not know why they are watching because it is so painfully bad, will be wondering for a few months why it is still on the air and when will it be out of our misery.

The only conclusion I can come to is now that Victor Garber and Wentworth Miller are leaving DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, that is show is over. Thus, CW is looking for its replacement. Although I think Lucy Hale’s new show Life Sentence has a better chance.

Are you also suffering through Dynasty like me and my friend?


The male anchors on Today are the butt of all jokes for this…
November 8th, 2017 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

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It is Movember, so that means it is time for the anchors on Today to get their prostates and testicles checked to make sure they do no not have cancer. Because nothing says good morning like watching Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Carson Daly and Craig Melvin get a finger stuck up their butts! In order to get us excited about the annual event, NBC released the above PSA. And that made me want stick my fingers somewhere else. I do not know what that means either. And that joke was as bad as that video that went on and on for one joke that barely went over.

Butt in all seriousness, men get tested for prostate cancer. My dad had it and beat it. Like they say it is 99% curable if it is caught early. Don’t screw around with your health! Just screw around with Today for coming up with this commercial.


Tony Danza will give Josh Groban advice on how to handle women!
November 8th, 2017 under Josh Groban, Netflix, Taxi. [ Comments: 2 ]

Josh Groban is going to do something he has never done before. The singer is going to co-star in a series and not just be a guest star on one. The Tony nominee will play Tony Danza’s son named Tony in a Netflix show called, Tony, no wait, it is actually called The Good Cop. It just seemed like a logical name since everyone else is going by Tony including Tony Danza.

Anyways, Netflix describes his character Tony Jr as, “an earnest, obsessively honest NYPD detective who makes a point of always following the rules. Tony Jr is son to Tony Sr, a disgraced, former NYPD officer who never followed the rules, played by Tony Danza. In The Good Cop, a new 10 episode one-hour dramedy series, this ‘odd couple’ become unofficial partners as Tony Sr offers his overly cautious son blunt, street-wise advice on everything from handling suspects to handling women.”

I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait for this show to debut next year because Danza has been a favorite of mine ever since I saw him in a little show called Taxi when I was kid. When it comes to the Groobs, it will be interesting to see him in comedic role on episodic series. He proved he has the chops for it on The Crazy Ones and Ally McBeal.

No word if he will sing on the show, but I am sure they will find a way to make that happen. It seems to be mandatory because he always manages to get a note in there in some way like on this past Friday’s Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Shh, don’t tell anyone that is a musical show. Sadly, this one is not.

UPDATE: Groban seemed to hint on Twitter that he will have to shave his beard for the part. Which is a good thing because it will make the two actors look more like father and son. They have the same eyes, so it will be nice to see if they also have the same cheeks and chins. That and I hate beards.


Ross Lynch is more afraid of a Furby than a cockroach and a scorpion
November 8th, 2017 under Disney, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Vanity Fair asked Ross Lynch to touch such some creepy crawly things in the Fear Box and it is shocking what scared the Teen Beach star the most. It was not the tarantula or the scorpion or the hissing cockroach, but it was a cute little Furby. Even though, he did a great job for the most part, don’t you think he still has to turn in his man card for being terrified of a little fur ball?


Conan O’Brien found where Justin Guarini has been hiding!
November 8th, 2017 under American Idol 1-5, Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

We have been talking about Kelly Clarkson for 15 years, but whatever happened to that guy she did a movie with all those years ago? Somehow Conan O’Brien found Justin Guarini and got him to sing a song on his late night show yesterday that is filming at the Apollo Theater all this week.

While that might sound glorious for American Idol’s first runner up, it actually isn’t. Why? Because he was singing it about the Conan Strike Rat balloon that the host is trying to get in Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade this year. Since it looks more like the President than him, there is not way that it will happen. Because someone on 5th Avenue will shoot it down and not lose a single supporter! Where have I heard that scenario before?


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