Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017
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Is Mark Hamill, Sebastian Stan’s father?
November 30th, 2017 under Sebastian Stan, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

You know how Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker, “I am your father” in Empire Strikes Back? Looks like Sebastian Stan wants to hear those four exact words from Mark Hamill.

People have been saying that Avenger’s Winter Soldier looks a lot like Hamill when he did the first three Star Wars movies, and that he should play young Luke if need be. So much so, Good Morning American asked the young Jedi to record a video for Hamill and I think the older Jedi might have some explaining to do. Like where was his lightsaber back in 1981 when Stan was conceived? Cause they really do alike. Don’t you think?


The unbelievable reason how the Will & Grace reunion came together!
November 30th, 2017 under Debra Messing, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Remember how the cast of Will & Grace filmed a little video around the 2016 election on a perfect replica of their set? Turns out that replica was the real thing and played a huge part in reuniting the cast for a video that eventually lead the comeback of the series 11 years after it was cancelled.

Debra Messing was on Live with Kelly and Ryan today and she explained the whole story. Both of the creators went to Emerson College and after the set was done at Smithsonian Museum, they sent it to their alma mater to live out its days.

Then one day, Max Mutchnick got a call from his old school that there was a leak where the set’s exhibit was and they needed to pick it up while they got it fixed. Well the executive producer came up with a brilliant, emailed his cast that he had the set and wanted to know if they would be interested in shooting that a little video to get people to go out and vote. Without hesitation they all said yes and the rest is Hollywood history.

Would that be considered an act of Gd?


The Grinch was finally caught stealing Christmas!
November 30th, 2017 under Christmas Music. [ Comments: none ]

For years the Grinch has eluded authorities, but not anymore. That is because the fine cops of Edison, NJ finally apprehended the thief as he tried to steal Christmas from an unsuspecting family. Thankfully, Edison TV was there to capture his capture on tape.

Not only that, the judge came down harder on him than Santa Claus when he comes down an oiled up chimney. She sentenced him to community service to get the holiday spirit back. All in the name of helping the police officers collect toys for their toy drive. Will it work? Of course it will because what kid would not want to show him the true meaning of Christmas?

Next year, hopefully they can work their magic on Ebeneezer Scrooge. Bah humbug!


I love when The Rock and Kevin Hart fight!
November 30th, 2017 under Jack Black, Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by therock (@therock) on

A post shared by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real) on

A post shared by Jack Black (@jackblack) on

The Rock and Kevin Hart actually made their second movie together, which is strange because they always seem to be fighting. Every time they post a video with the other one in it, they are squabbling over something. Mostly camera time, but that camera is their phone and it is for social media.

Case in point, here they are fighting over about making a video promoting Jumanji at the Hawaiian press junket for it. Not only were the two of them going at it, they somehow got poor Jack Black in the mix. It was like watching a yappy chihuahua, a tough bulldog and a mellow basset hound battling out for the imaginary bone. No one is going to win, but that does not mean they are not going to stop making their claim for it. Which is I was love them working together so much!

I also adore that they all posted the videos from their perspectives because each one of them tells a different story about the same one.


Matt Lauer admits to part of the rumors and apologizes
November 30th, 2017 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

24 hours after Matt Lauer was fired from the Today show and several more women coming forward with their stories about him, the disgraced anchor broke his silence in a statement. He apologized for his actions and said that not all of the accusations are true. Enough are and that is causing him to look with himself because of his sickening actions.

His saying enough are true makes you wonder which ones are correct. We know Katie Couric is not lying about him pinching her ass over and over again. We heard him tell Meredith Vieira to keep bending over. So is it the button under his desk that locked the door in his office? Or the woman he gave a sex toy to and said he wanted to use it on her? Or the woman who said she had sex with him in his office and regretted it afterwards. Or the woman who said he exposed himself to her and asked her to perform a sexual on him? The list goes on and it is all so nauseating.

When it comes to NBC, they need to step up and look at all the past accusations that have been made about the employees by employees because they washed their hands of the situation when they said the “current” management has not heard complaints. I would assume a lot of human resource departments at major corporations are sitting on a lot of employees who have been accused of sexual harassment and it is now time for them to clean house. We need to let the next generation know we are not going to take it anymore.


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