Yesterday when Armie Hammer was on Watch What Happens Live, and Andy Cohen wanted to know all, and I do mean all, about his kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in J Edgar.
The first thing the Bravo host needed to find out is if Leo has good breath? The Lone Ranger seemed to imply he does not. Which is a good thing that there no tongue was involved between the two men. But that doesn’t that mean that DiCaprio’s dreamy eyes didn’t him give him a slight boner during their lip lock! And there you have what a lot of Victoria Secret’s models already know.
While Hammer didn’t have a good experience with his co-star’s breath, Zac Efron had quite the opposite with The Rock in Baywatch. The High School Musical graduate told James Corden on The Late Late Show that DJ tasted like a Winterfresh commercial when you kiss him. How would he characterize their smooch? Efron said, “It was crazy, he is good at that too. Jeez…He is just the best at everything…It was an awesome kiss.”
I don’t know about you, but given the choice to make out with Leo or Dwayne, I would pick Johnson every time. Who doesn’t want to feel like they living a Winterfresh when they make out?
Yesterday, when Jimmy Fallon was doing his monologue on The Tonight Show, Niall Haron interrupted it. The One Direction singer wanted him to make the audience happy and the best way for the NBC late night host to do that was to do Psy’s Gangnum Style dance. Fallon refused at first, but eventually he gave in. Did it make the singer happy? Nope, but it worked on us! How can you not smile while watching someone making a fool of themselves pretending they are riding a horse! Oppan!
Ryan Belz of Millerton, Pa had his dreams come true when he was asked to come on down at a taping of The Price Is Right. But then things only got better when he was asked to play Pinko with 5 pucks. Down went one puck and it landed on $10,000 then $1,000 then $10,000 then $500 and finally $10,000 for a third time. Giving him a total of $31,500, a record for regular Plinko on the daytime talk show.
While the dollar amount is exciting, it is more exciting to watch how excited he got every time he landed on $10,000. That is what makes his winnings a true winner!
In October, NBC announced that Bye Bye Birdie with Jennifer Lopez was going to be their 2017 live Christmastime musical and today they said they are postponing it until 2018. According to Variety, the delay is due J-Lo’s busy schedule. Which I find interesting because she has had six months to plan for the rehearsal schedule needed for the live Musical production. That makes me wonder what is the real reason? Like is it due to it being an older, not as well known production and the modern day one they did in December didn’t stick like Hairspray with the ratings? We don’t know.
What we do know is that there will be no live production this year, and the next time we will see one on NBC is this Easter with Jesus Christ Superstar. That live show is done by the same production team that is doing Bye Bye Birdie. Maybe 2 live performances was too much for them and too costly for the network to bomb like poop coming from birdie in a tree? Things that make you go hmmmm?