Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » August
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Conan O’Brien goes there with the Anthony Weiner Tweets
August 30th, 2016 under Conan O'Brien, Politics. [ Comments: none ]

Anthony Weiner was in the news again for allegedly Tweeting photos of his crotch to an unknown woman. The disgraced politician denied the claim, but that didn’t stop Conan O’Brien for having some fun with the image.
Things I will never unsee, but it was well worth it because I don’t remember the last time I laughed so hard! Do you?


Someone once gave Dolly Parton their baby named Jolene
August 30th, 2016 under Dolly Parton, Larry King. [ Comments: none ]

Dolly Parton was on Larry King Now and the OraTV wanted to know what her “funniest fan encounter?” She told him, it happened to her around the time that her song Jolene came out and she had just moved in to her new house in Brentwood, Ca. She said, “I came home one day, from work…and there was a basket at the gate. And I thought, ‘who’s left, somebody left us some food.'” Then she continued, “I looked in it and there was a baby in it. And there was a note that said, ‘My name is Jolene and I want you to have me.'”
She didn’t know what to do, so she brought the baby into the house and called the police and child services. They took the baby and to this day, she doesn’t know what happened to her. I wonder what happened to that girl that would be in her early 40’s now and if she knows if she was left in front of Dolly Parton’s house. Could you imagine if this girl didn’t know and has been wondering her whole life, why she is such a big fan of Miss Dolly and her song Jolene? How crazy would that be?
When it comes to her story, that is definitely in the Top 10 of the strangest fan encounters. But then again, I think Dolly Parton would be a great person to raise my child if Gd forbid I was going to give it up.


It’s a Sunshine Day for Dancing with the Stars!
August 30th, 2016 under Dancing with the Stars, The Brady Bunch. [ Comments: none ]

ABC announced today who is entering the Dancing with the Stars’ ballroom and there are some people I am going to root for on it.
Even though I was OK with getting braces because Marcia Marcia Marcia Brady had them, Maureen McCormick will not get my vote. Taxi is my all time favorite show, but I cannot call in for Marilu Henner. I am curious how to see her ability to remember everything plays into her dance numbers.
So who has my vote, back when I was in Miami, Vanilla Ice did my a huge favor so my dialing finger goes to him. I am loyal like that! Now how far do I think Rob Van Winkle will go before he is on Ice Ice Baby, I think he should kiss Rick Perry because he will no longer be the first one out. Sorry, I am huge fan of Rob’s, but I am also realist. When he is gone, I will turn all my votes over to Elaine Nardo!
Mostly because I love her and pray she recreates her Lullaby of Broadway number from, Taxi. That and I either don’t know or like the remaining so called “Stars!”
To see the full list of dancers, then click here!


An ’80s teen girl’s wet dream
August 30th, 2016 under Rick Springfield, Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80s, when a teenage girl would close her eyes, she would dream dream about Night Ranger. Yet she was talking in her sleep about The Romantics. Hoping for the Human Touch of Rick Springfield.
Today, she can tell her Sister Christian to Celebrate Youth because here are the three musical artists from her Rock of Life all together and on tour. If they come to a come to a city near her, then she can tell all of them What I Like About You!
Don’t Walk Away, this post wasn’t that bad! So I will leave you with some wise words and tell you to “Love Somebody”. What you thought I was going to tell you, “Don’t Talk to Strangers?”
Finally, as Night Ranger would sing, “Goodbye,” for now!


Kaley Cuoco found a great way to avoid the Paps and fans!
August 30th, 2016 under Kaley Cuoco. [ Comments: 5 ]

A photo posted by @normancook on

Kaley Cuoco is on the #1 Broadcast Comedy, so it would be no surprise to anyone that the star of The Big Bang Theory is recognized where ever she goes. How does she hide her identity when she doesn’t want to be recognized? Wigs? Hats? Sunglasses with fake noses? No, she wears a T-Shirt that reads, “I just look like her.”
If I saw her walking on the street wearing that Tee, I would think it was her until I read the shirt.
Only problem is, now that she revealed her secret identity, it no longer works. Or does it?


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