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A Congressman’s son’s faces are the faces we wish could make on the House floor
June 3rd, 2024 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]

Congressman John Rose brought his son, Guy, 6, to work with him, and I bet he didn’t.

That is because as the Republican from Nashville, Tennessee, was giving a speech on the conviction of convicted felon Donald Trump, his son decided to make funny faces while the camera was on him. And it is the faces I make when I hear the convicted felon’s name. So I get it.

Did the kid’s dad get it? The 59-year-old wrote, “This is what I get for telling my son Guy to smile at the camera for his little brother ‍♂️”

I think it is more likely because of the topic he was talking about.


President Joe Biden’s reaction to MTG’s attire was the best part of the State of the Union
March 8th, 2024 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t care who the President of the United States is; the State of the Union is boring.

However, yesterday’s was interesting before it started. That is because MAGidiot MTG wore her Gd’s red MAGA hat, a red blazer with buttons, and a shirt saying, “Say her name,” which was referring to the recently murdered Laken Riley.

Basically, MTG looked more like an ignoramus than she usually does. So as soon as President Joe Biden saw her, he did a shocked double-take that got everyone laughing, even the Neaderthal!

And that is why Dark Brandon rules!


Another reason not to vote for Vivek Ramaswamy
September 28th, 2023 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]


via Trevor Donovan

After the debate yesterday, someone asked Vivek Ramaswamy, “What’s Jenny’s number?” And his Chat GPT malfunctioned.

So if a candidate can’t tell you Jenny’s number is 867-5309, then he shouldn’t be running.

And that is one of the many reasons why Vivek should not be running. He is that loser kid that just wants to be cool. But he is never going to be that. He needs to give it up because the only people who like him are the losers’ losers.


Senator John Kennedy reads gay erotic porn on the Senate floor
September 12th, 2023 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]

Senator John Kennedy looks like he works in the funeral home, and today, he did something in the Senate that made my sex drive die.

He read two excerpts from the books George M. Johnson’s All Boys Aren’t Blue and Maia Kobabe’s Gender Queer to prove his point, but all he did was make pregnancy rates go down. Who wants to have sex after hearing him say, “I can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth. I’m going to give you the blow job of your life. Then, I want you inside of me.”

I am sure no lady has ever said that to him. And now, I will never ever say that again to anyone.

As my friend reminded me, the GOP is worried about Drag Queen story time. This is so much worse.

Who needs a cold shower when you have this?

I almost feel bad for him. Because he read this without any emotion. And that makes me think that he has never had a good fuck. Seriously, how does he read, “He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me,” and not be a little aroused?

Has he even ever been aroused? That is the problem with the conservatives. They are missing out! If they had a really fucking fantastic orgasm, they might become happier people.

Lord knows, Kennedy desperately needs one. But I don’t think he could ever let himself go enough to have one.

And when it comes to his argument about whether librarians over parents should choose what books are in a library. Yes, it is their house. You don’t want them in your house reminding you about all the filth in the Bible, then stay out of their houses. If you tell a kid not to read a book, guess what they are going to read it. And with the internet these days, kids can read any book they want.

So banning and reworking books is not the solution. Having honest discussions with kids is.


Is Dr. Andrews leaving The Good Doctor?
July 10th, 2023 under Politics. [ Comments: none ]

When The Good Doctor left off, Dr. Andrews resigned from his job as President of the hospital to be with his girlfriend, who is a nurse. Therefore, leaving Hill Harper’s future with the medical drama in limbo.

Today, it looks like we got our answer because the actor announced that he is running in Michigan to be one of their two US Senators.

“We can all feel it: D.C just isn’t getting things done for people.

“We need representatives who’ll take on special interests, get money out of politics, and make our government work for all of us.

“Pierce, this campaign is going to be tough for us.

“But fighting for what you believe in is worth it, especially because I’m fighting for you.

“I’m running for Senate because I want to build a safer, better world for you. I hope to make you proud.

“I believe our government should work for the people, be a force for good, and protect our freedoms.

“And that won’t happen if we keep electing the same type of people to office. That’s why I’m running for Senate.”

Good luck to him. I am sure he is going to make Pierce, his adopted son, very proud of him-especially since he is doing it for him.


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