Yesterday, the world was shocked and saddened when Zayn Malik announced that he was quitting One Direction. As soon as people were able to accept and comprehend his departure and the desperate need for a replacement, several men started throwing in their names into the hat. While singers like Weird Al Yankovic just Tweeted about, John Stamos and Conan‘s Andy Richter went even further. Both men made audition tapes.
Watch the videos above of them both singing What Makes You Beautiful and tell me who is a more beautiful choice for the job? Personally, I think Richter is so much sexier with the 1D!
When James Corden got the hosting job of The Late Late Show, many of us were like who he is? As the show’s premiere date got closer, CBS started putting huge billboards of his face all over Los Angeles. In fact, they even put one up on the wall outside the studio where he tapes his show. So you would think that security would know who he was his because his huge face is right in front of theirs. You would be wrong. Corden told Conan O’Brien yesterday that he recently went to lunch one day and forget his pass in the office. When he came back, he tried to get passed security and they wouldn’t let him him without it. He tried to show them the billboard, but that didn’t work. It wasn’t until someone from his staff came down with the pass that he was finally let in.
That says a lot because he tapes in the same building as Dancing with the Stars and American Idol and and security can recognize those hasbeens and not him.
Hopefully, now that the show is on the air they will start to recognize him just like they do Carrie Ann Inaba and Harry Connick Jr.
Alyssa Milano went to the premiere of Get Hard yesterday and she wore a black and white one piece jump suit.
First off, no one looks good in Cat Suits. This one makes the new mom look like she is still pregnant. Plus, having her hair in the high bun doesn’t help things out. Finally, being shot from below makes her look much bigger than she is and she isn’t big.
I like the Charmed sister, but not this look.
Cate Blanchett spent a long day doing the junket for Cinderella and she finally had enough with the stupid questions. The Project‘s Jonathan Hyla came into the room and tried to be funny with the Oscar winner and she wasn’t having it.
He started off the interview by telling her, even though he has been doing this for a long time, he’s never had the pleasure of interviewing her until now. She jokingly replied, “That’s because I keep saying no. I cannot talk to him. Can you please not let that man in the room.” He thought he was being smart and told her that he was going to bring a six-pack of beer into the room to break the ice. She let him know that she doesn’t drink beer and prefers a potato Vodka. She then shared with him, “If you want the sex to be good, that’s the Vodka. The beer’s just not going to cut it.”
She realized at this point, their interview had gone too far for the family movie she’s promoting and tried to bring it back to Cinderella. The interview went into another horrible place before she got things into order and that led to another awkward moment.
She had enough with his failed humor and got serious about the movie again. It was then when he tried to ask her a serious question and he wanted to know how she controlled the cat on a leash. At that point, she had enough. She scolded him by saying, “That’s your question? That’s your f*cking question?” When he tried to defend himself, she sarcastically told him, “Nice to meet you,” as she went to shake his hand. He went for a high five and they missed each other. He got up and walked out and their chat was over, but not forgotten.
As someone who tries to be witty during junket interviews, I can feel his pain. But unlike him, I do try to ask serious questions about the project too. As a reporter, if you see it is going badly, you need to try to salvage the interview. Not only for the package but also for future for opportunities. You would be surprised by how quickly you can find yourself getting blocked from future interviews, just by having a bad one like this one. Believe me, I’ve seen reporters get turned down for A-List interviews after one bad one-on-one with another one. Although Blanchett seemed to have fun with Hyla, so he should be OK.
I think the big take away from this interview, is you truly get to see what the actors go through during these junkets. This isn’t even that bad. Imagine what it is like when the reporter has to ask certain questions for other pieces. I once saw an actress almost in tears because the agenda question was too hard for her to answer and the reporter wouldn’t let up.
Yesterday was ’80s night on American Idol, and the singing competition had ’80s heartthrob David Hasseloff sing a medley of songs from the era. Those chart topping tunes included Katrina and the Waves’ Walking on Sunshine, David Bowie’s Let’s Dance, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts’ I Love Rock’n’Roll and Culture Club’s Do You Really Want to Hurt Me. The biggest bummer about the last song on that list is that Boy George was still backstage when The Hoff belted out his tune. How like totally awesome would it have been if Boy George was like why do you really want to hurt me?
What was like totally not a bummer for us and was for the Knight Rider, is that neither the contestants nor the audience had any clue who he was or what he was singing. Their faces said it all. Hasselhoff had a more attentive crowd at the Berlin Wall coming down and that says a lot.
Having said that, I totally thought his performance was groovy to the max!!!