Britney Spears and Simon Cowell were on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote The X Factor and the ABC late night host had them play something like the Newlywed Game. For the last question he asked them what body part does the other person find the sexiest. The King of Mean thought the Pop Queen would say his butt, but she surprised us all by saying his chest hair. When it was her turn, she thought her co-mentor thought her arms were sexy. Well Simon is a male and he said it is “her t!ts”. Her expression to his answer was perfect. I guess she is that innocent!
Glee is back for its fourth season tonight at 9p and it graduates to a whole new level of goodness. I have to admit I had grown to the point that I loved to hate Glee, but the season premiere made me love to love the show again.
The show starts off with Rachel in NYADA taking dance classes from Kate Hudson and she is no longer the star. Her character is getting knocked down a peg and because of that we get a New more likable Rachel. She is basically a little fish in a big sea and she is barely able to swim. She will make one friend and Brody (Dean Geyer) will have you motoring.
There is no Finn sighting tonight and we find out that Kurt did not get into the school with his BFF. So he is back home and walking around McKinely High like he still goes there while he waits to start community college.
Now back to McKinely High, Tina is finally breaking out and that is a very good thing. Artie is just there, Blaine is Blaine and Brittany is still Brittany without her Santana. On that note the only Glee graduates we see tonight are Rachel and Kurt, the rest are no where to be found. Sue Sylvester is also barely there, but in one scene we get to meet her new baby that she brings to work.
And talking about babies, there are a bunch of additions to the cast this year! Season 3 sensation Alex Newell returns as Unique and he has transferred to McKinley. Puck might be gone, but his half-brother Jake is trying to join the Glee Club. Also new to the club is Marley (Melissa Benoist) and she will blow you away. If you thought Lea Michele could sing, wait until hear their cross-country duet for Billy Joel’s New York State of Mind.
On the song front, I am praying that the show finally makes Call Me Maybe go away like all the other kitchy songs they have done in the past like Forget You, I’m Sexy and I Know It, and Friday to name a few. Kate Hudson sings a mashup of Lady Gaga’s Americano and J-Lo’s Dance Again. They end the episode with Adele’s Chasing Pavements. There is one big number that comes before it and it is the rare one where the original is so much better. Blaine sings Imagine Dragon’s It’s Time to Kurt and it just doesn’t work.
Could be because while the NYADA cast got new choreographers, McKinley did not. They so desperately need new moves because they have been boring me since season 1.
Now on that note, tonight’s season premiere is as good as the series one. The show is so tuned down, that it is fun again. It feels more like Fame the series than it does Glee and that is a very good thing. It is real and not cheesy. It is enjoyable again! My theory is that is because Ryan Murphy is so busy with American Horror Story and The New Normal, that he doesn’t have time to make Glee over the top. So if that means keeping TNN on NBC for a full season, so be it. I would rather have Glee like this than Ryan Murphized.
So if you gave up on the show, its time to come back. It’s what was, and not what it has become.
Oh and Kate Hudson has never looked or acted better than she does on Glee tonight. She was born for this role more than any of her others. She will wow you like hasn’t done since Almost Famous. If you need a reason to tune, then she is it.
Fame Flynet
Even though Ben Affleck have been married for 7 years and have 3 kids together, they can still share a special moment from time to time. Seriously aren’t they the cutest couple in Hollywood? And isn’t just because of her dimples, it’s because they just seem like a real couple who care about each other whether the cameras are on them or not.
Sally Struthers is in Maine starring in 9 to 5: The Musical and days before she was set to leave the town she was busted for alleged OUI. According to TMZ she was arrested at 12:30a for suspicion of Operating Under the Influence, whatever that means. She was released shortly afterwards on $160 bail and if convicted she will have to pay a $500 fine and lose her license for 90 days.
I don’t what is the bigger news from this story, Struthers being arrested or that the All in the Family actress is still acting. I haven’t seen her do anything since she was on Still Standing. I would like to see her do more because I actually like her!