Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » November
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William Shatner agrees to Carrie Fisher’s costume off!
November 29th, 2011 under Star Trek, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]



For some reason over the last few months Star Trek’s William Shatner and Star Wars’ Carrie Fisher have been in a battle over which series is better and at one point Princes Leia asked to see Captain Kirk in his original costume. Well today he responded by saying he is willing to do it because he can, but his response to her getting back in to her famous gold bikini will get her to raise a light saber to him.
I hope this battle ends soon before someone tells Scotty to beam them up because there is no intelligent life in this duel.
When it comes to which is better, to be honest they are both the same to me. (A bunch of my friends disowned me for saying that) And when it comes to them getting back in the original costumes, is it wrong for me to want to The Shat back in those tight black pants?


Courteney Cox shows off her Cougar Town
November 29th, 2011 under Bill Lawrence, Celeb Oops, Courteney Cox. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see if the Friend is wearing underwear or not then click here!


Charlize Theron miraculously stays in her dress
November 29th, 2011 under Charlize Theron, Movie Star Gossip. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Charlize Theron wore a dress that was so low cut, she should win a second Oscar for staying in it. I don’t know what tape she was using, but it is like the crazy glue for avoiding nip slips. I know the boys are upset because I am sure they wanted a glance, but no matter how many pictures I looked at those girls were no where to be seen. Better luck next revealing dress.


Hugo’s Asa Butterfield is a mini-Martin Scorsese
November 29th, 2011 under Martin Scorsese, Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Asa Butterfield attended the premiere of Hugo and I couldn’t get over how much the actor looked just like the film’s director Martin Scorsese. Seriously in that tux with those glasses, couldn’t he be the Oscar winner’s grandson?


Katherine Heigl really believes in castration!!!
November 29th, 2011 under Katherine Heigl. [ Comments: none ]

Katherine Heigl really hates balls so much so that she is donating her spare time to make sure as many men are separated with their testicles as possible. No man, no matter how many legs he walks on, is safe from her plan including her husband Josh Kelley. I have to admit I agree with the actress and like her I will declare “I Hate Balls!” C’mon ladies get on board with her because let’s all admit we hate balls and get our boys spayed. I challenge any woman and man to say they like the beans under the frank. I didn’t think so!
So as shocked as I am to admit, I am happy that Heigl had the cojones to get behind something we all believe in and support 100%.


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