Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Didn’t Helen Mirren read the script before she signed on for Arthur?
August 10th, 2010 under Helen Mirren, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Dame Helen Mirren has done some strange things for the remake of Arthur, but none of them were as weird as the picture Russel Brand Tweeted today. He added this caption to the picture, “At last. A bath from Helen Mirren. Never has getting clean been more dirty.” I don’t know about you, but I need a shower after that picture because I won’t be able to take a bath without thinking of that image. Seriously what did the Oscar winner do to deserve this? Didn’t she read the script before she agreed to do the movie? Because if she did, I wonder if she would’ve have agreed to still do the film. Unless they left the pages out that asked her to bathe Russell Brand.
BTW somewhere Dudley Moore is turning over in his grave seeing what Brand is doing his biggest movie.


Stacy Haiduk and her pussy are no longer wanted at Days of our Lives
August 10th, 2010 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Stacy Haiduk was set to go from The Young and The Restless to Days of our Lives, but according to her she was let go before her first episode even aired. Stacy Haiduk posted this message on Facebook, ” For all you guys out there who were all set to watch me on DAYS I have some bad news. DAYS has dropped me. It all started when I booked a guest spot on a new show for FOX, RIDE-ALONG. The show will shoot in Chicago and I have to leave town for that. There was a conflict in scheduling so FOX pushed me to their second week. But when ONE day was still in conflict, instead of working things out DAYS decided to drop me.” I am so bummed that they are letting her go because I wanted to watch the actress that spent her time time on Y&R talking to a stuffed cat on DOOL. According to Soap Opera Digest, her role will be recast but it won’t be the same for me.
In other soap news General Hospital’s Rebecca Herbst is a mom for a third time, her husband Michael Saucedo Tweeted “Johnny Maximo is here!”, “Becky is doing great!”, “No, “Johnny Maximo” did not make the cut” and “Baby was 8 pounds 4 ounces.” How did a baby that big come out of someone so little?
BTW it is only fitting that they announced the birth of their third child on Twitter since he Tweeted a picture of the positive pregnancy test.
UPDATE: Michael Saucedo just Tweeted the name of his son and it is “Emerson Truett Saucedo.”

(photo from WireImage)

xoxo SourceWilliam!


Ving Rhames is surrounded by more than piranhas…
August 10th, 2010 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Ving Rhames was on The Big J Show to promote Piranha 3D and it was one of the weirdest interviews I have ever heard. You have to listen to the whole thing to understand what I am talking about because I can’t describe all the strangeness that happened during their chat. But I will tell you his voice at the beginning of the interview scared me more than the opening scene from the movie that comes out on August 20th!
OK who else besides me is chomping at the bits to see this movie?


Memories on Hurley by Weezer!
August 10th, 2010 under Lost, Weezer. [ Comments: none ]

Last week Weezer announced that their next album Hurley would be out on September 14th. Yesterday they revealed the cover of the CD and it had Lost’s Hurley aka Jorge Garcia on the cover. Today they released the first single Memories from Hurley and I can’t wait until next month so I can get it! Seriously doesn’t that song stuck in your head like a good memory?
Rives Cuomo told Spinner magazine why he chose that picture of Jorge Garcia for the cover of Weezer’s upcoming CD, “I was coming up with all kinds of stuff, but ultimately, we just went with some random word that doesn’t really have anything to do with anything. I just loved this photo of Jorge Garcia — it just had this amazing vibe. We didn’t want to do a fourth self-titled record and we knew people would refer to it as ‘the Hurley record’ even if we left it without that title, so we just called it ‘Hurley.’ No words are on the cover because all we wanted was his amazing face.” Who doesn’t love that face? And who doesn’t love this picture of Rivers with Jorge in Spinner magazine!


Britney Spears is getting her Glee on!
August 10th, 2010 under Britney Spears, Glee. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Fame Pictures)

Glee creator Ryan Murphy was on Ryan Seacrest this morning and he broke the news that Britney Spears will be on her themed episode. Here is what he told the American Idol host after he denied that Matt Morrison will be shaving his head for the ep, “We are doing a Britney episode so I think people have certain expectations because the show is sarcastic. The Britney episode, I’m here to say, is so revolutionnaire(?) about her and so kind. It’s about her music and not about her personal life. And I think Britney Spears is pop culture and I think she has been through a lot. And I want to do something that says you know what, thank you for what you have done and we’re encouraging you to continue to be doing as fantastic as you are. So that’s not true, we are handling Britney with sort of kids gloves. I will sort of give you a little scoop, Britney I think is almost 100% is going to be on the episode, which is going to be exciting. So she is going to join us and do a couple of scenes.” As of now her part has not been written into the episode, but he described the episode where Britney’s song will all be part of fantasies to Seacrest and said, “John Stamos is on the show now, he’s a dentist and he comes in for National Cavity Week and four of the kids who have terrible dental hygiene. And those kids have to go in and get their teeth cleaned, some of them under anesthesia and that’s when the fun Britney stuff happens because the kids really want to do a Britney episode and the teacher says no. They have fantasies how they can be like her.” Murphy then went on to say he really is a fan of hers.
He also then said that he has three dream artists he would love to have featured on the Super Bowl episode and they are Prince, Michael Jackson or The Beatles. As of now he doesn’t know which one, but when I asked him last week at the TCAs if that particular episode would be a Paul McCartney one, he straight out said no. But I guess in his mind McCartney and The Beatles are two separate entities either that or he was lying to Seacrest or me… It will be interesting to see who will be the dream artist that gets the post-Super Bowl spot in February.


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