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Watch Stephen Colbert shoot Adam Savage in the butt with a penny
March 2nd, 2016 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Mythbusters is ending its long run this weekend, but Adam Savage brought it back to the beginning on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Back when the show started out, they tested out what would happen if you dropped a penny from the Empire State Building to see if would kill someone on the street.
They did this by shooting a penny at Savage’s butt with a special powerful gun. That was then, this is now. Savage wanted to do that experiment again and he did it on the CBS late night show yesterday. He gave Colbert the gun, pulled down pants and let him shoot him in the a$$. With glee the host did it, and Savage felt the pain.
He didn’t die, but I am sure when he goes to sit down, he will probably wish he did.


Stephen Colbert awkward interview with Casey Affleck
February 23rd, 2016 under Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Casey Affleck is used to weird awkward interviews on The Late Show because he was partially responsible for the infamous one that Joaquin Phoenix did with David Letterman. Even though I say that, it was interesting to see him have one with the new host Stephen Colbert.
As soon as Ben Affleck’s little bro sat down, the CBS late night host said to him, “Thanks for dressing up.” Then he added, “I can’t tell if this is the least celebrity thing to do or the most celebrity thing to do.” To which Affleck asked the audience if what the host said was kind of rude, and Colbert told him it is “just playful ribbing.”
At this point, Casey was a bit upset with the comments about his attire, but that didn’t stop Stephen from telling him he looks like a “street corner Jesus.” After telling that joke, he finally tried to move on to the movie. But it didn’t happen because you could feel the tension between the two men. So much so, the host asked if they were going to have fight at the end of the segment. To which the actor told him he didn’t like to fight.
Then it was back to the interview, and Colbert told him he only saw an hour of the movie because he had to help his son with a Science project. The star of Triple 9 could no longer hide his anger as he stared down his interviewer.
Eventually, things cooled off between them and they were able to talk about the movie.
Was this interview staged? I am not sure. Thing is that Colbert has proven to be the worst interviewer on late night television, which says a lot because I think only two of them are actually good at it.
What did you think of their interaction and who do you think is at fault for it starting off so poorly? I blame Colbert for not taking the hint and moving on sooner. No one likes to be ridiculed, especially on television in front of a little over a million people.


Late night show hosts love touching Josh Brolin!
January 29th, 2016 under Jimmy Fallon, Josh Brolin, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Josh Brolin was on The Tonight Show earlier this week and Jimmy Fallon shaved off his mustache on the show. Yesterday, the Goonie was on The Late Show and Stephen Colbert drew hair on his hairless chest. Not only do they love touching him but they also love taking away and adding hair to his body. What is up with that? I know he is a good looking man, but this is a little strange. Don’t you think?


What would Steven Tyler and Neil deGrasse Tyson talk about if they met?
January 27th, 2016 under Aerosmith, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: 1 ]

On Friday night, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Steven Tyler were guests on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and the two of them got to talk while they were waiting to appear on the CBS show. The singer asked the coolest scientist, how old would he be when he returned to Earth after traveling at the speed of light for a year. The answer is, we would all be a year older and he would be about the same age. Which might answer how he continues to look so young even though he is 67 years old.
This video is extremely cool to me because of personal reasons. You see I grew up in a place called Riverdale, NY, and both men lived in my hometown for part of their youths. In fact, both of them went to the same elementary school, years apart from each other, but still they both attended PS 81 (I didn’t) for a while. I wonder if the two of them knew that when they were talking about Space and time? Just think if they did, then they would’ve realized that if the voice of Aerosmith had spent about 15 years in a rocket ship, when he was kid, traveling at the speed of light; then they would’ve been able to go to school together. That is only if Tyler didn’t get expelled again like he did the first time. Can you imagine these two taking Science and Music classes together? The world would be a much different place. Maybe it would be flat like that clueless rapper thinks.


Samuel L Jackson makes movie’s most famous catchphrases his own!
January 5th, 2016 under Samuel L Jackson, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L Jackson was on The Late Show yesterday and Stephen Colbert wanted to hear what it would sound like if the man who is in like every movie did famous catchphrases from movies he wasn’t in. He made infamous lines from films like Gone with the Wind, The Princess Bride, The Wizard of Oz, The Graduate, The Lord of the Rings, Dirty Dancing and The Lion King his own, and the world of film is a better place because of it.
Which of his now movie quotes are your favorite? For me, it is a toss up between the last two. But my all-time favorite will always be, “Enough is enough. I have had it with these mother f*cking snakes, on this mother f*cking plane!”
If you could hear him make one classic line from any movie his own, what would it be? I would love to hear him say, “I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take this anymore,” from Network. How awesome would that be?


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