Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sean Evans Hot Ones
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Hot Wings helps Jimmy Fallon hit those Bee Gees high notes
October 11th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Priyanka Chopra, Sean Evans Hot Ones. [ Comments: none ]

Either Jimmy Fallon is a sadist or his staff is masochists. I say that because they brought back Sean Evans and his Hot Wings. The first time things did not go so smoothly for The Tonight Show host and this time, it went even worse.

At first, he and Priyanka Chopra were able to handle the heat, but then they could not stand being in Hell’s Kitchen. Actually, they could not sit and they could only stand because they were in so much pain.

They were dancing like they were at a Disco in the ’70s. Which gets us in the mood for the final question. That is when Evans asked Fallon to do a singing impression. Who did he choose? He went with the Bee Gees’ Stayin’ Alive and his notes might have been even higher the band’s vocals. Who knew that was possible. I guess if you eat a pepper that is more than 400 times hotter than a Jalapeno, you can hit those notes that only dogs can hear.


Selena Gomez and Jimmy Fallon can’t handle the heat!
June 12th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Sean Evans Hot Ones, Selena Gomez. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever seen Hot Ones on YouTube? Sean Evans interviews celebrities as they eat wings with hot sauce. With each question, the peppers get hotter and hotter. At first, they are bearable, but by the end they have tears coming from their eyes, sweat pouring out of every pore and their faces are hotter than the sauce they just inhaled. Why? Who cares, sadists like me love it.

Since I cannot sit through anything that is over 10 minutes long, I skip to the good part. The end when they have reached the hottest bottle. Yesterday, Evans brought his show to The Tonight Show, and his guests were Jimmy Fallon and Selena Gomez.

As we know the NBC late night host cannot handle any pain, he was crying after the second wing. By the time he got to the end, he was dancing like a potty trained toddler who really has to go #2 but cannot to do it in their new underwear because mommy and daddy will yell at them. Gomez did a little better, but not by much.

Total wimps.


Would Kevin Hart rather eat booty or a very hot wing?
September 24th, 2018 under Kevin Hart, Sean Evans Hot Ones, Tiffany Haddish. [ Comments: none ]

As we know Kevin Hart is not the bravest of men. About two years ago he went on First We Feast and suffered greatly for it. Now that he has another movie coming out, he was invited back for another go at it. This time, he and Tiffany Haddish, his Night School co-star, took part in Truth or Dab.

Basically, it is like Truth or Dare, but instead, they have to eat a very hot wing if they opt not to answer the question or get it wrong.

They each took turns and it started off easy, but you knew that was not going to last. The second question they asked Kevin, “Are you a card-carrying member of the eat a booty gang?” He debated how to answer and finally decided to eat the wing instead of admitting whether or not he eats a$$. He screamed in pain and I laughed so hard that I was in pain.

Then it got worse for him when he was asked to answer a math problem that he got wrong. That meant he had to eat even a hotter wing and I got a heartier laugh. Both of us were crying but for different reasons.

When it comes to Haddish, she showed him who is spicier by handling it better than him. Did expect any less from her? And I expect a lot of laughs from their movie Night School that comes out on Friday.

Oh and before I forget, I felt his pain every time he burped. Anyone who eats hot sauce all the time knows the heat, repeats. Haha!!! That and if it burns going in, it burns going out.


Watch Papa Roach eat bugs!
March 28th, 2017 under Awesome Videos, Music, Papa Roach, Sean Evans Hot Ones. [ Comments: none ]

First We Feast’s Sean Evan challenged Papa Roach to eat some bugs, but sadly no roaches, well besides the members of the band, were involved in this taste testing. Instead they tried Honey Roasted Crickets, Fire Brimstone Flavored Meal worms, Grasshoppers. Armor Tail Scorpion, June Bug and Bamboo Worm. How did they like it? Let’s just say they will stick to roaches since they weren’t any.

I know bugs are a good source of protein, but I will find other ways to get it. I just can’t do bugs. Eww.


Watch Rachael Ray tackle the Scoville Scale
November 24th, 2016 under Rachael Ray, Sean Evans Hot Ones. [ Comments: none ]

This Thanksgiving we are all going to be in food comas, and Chef Rachael Ray won’t be able to taste any of it. That’s because she took part in an interview on First We Feast and worked her way down the Scoville Scale. But she didn’t eat the hot sauces off of a chicken wing, instead she sipped them off of a spoon. Which is as Gangsta as you can get. I can drink hot sauce, but only up to the Habanero level on the chart.
Sean Evans and her took it all the way up the 550,000 heat index and they were definitely feeling it. I can’t believe either one of them was able to talk because they looked like they were going to explode. Then again with all of those 10 hot sauces in them, they were ticking time bombs who were ready to spontaneously combust. Something I am sure they did the next time they went #2! Those poor innocent toilets. What did they do to deserve that?


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