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Tom Selleck thinks men should wear short shorts
July 12th, 2022 under Kelly Clarkson, Tom Selleck. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80s, Tom Selleck wore short shorts on Magnum P.I. Since then; they have gotten longer. The actor told Kelly Clarkson that h thinks that they look silly because they are called shorts, not pajama bottoms.

I have to say, I agree with the Blue Bloods actor. However, I might regret that statement because there are men who should not be wearing short shorts. You know which ones I am talking about.


Margeret Cho has the best tattoo!
June 3rd, 2022 under Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Margaret Cho is Kelly Clarkson’s talk show today, and she wore the coolest green boots. Clarkson was so impressed by them that she wanted to see the whole boot. What the host didn’t know is that she was in for a cooler surprise.

Cho has two tattoos just below her knees of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Why? The comedian says, “Cause it costs $6 to spread ’em.”

Clarkson was so shocked and awed by the brilliance she had to get up and walk off her laughter. She is not the only one who lost it because I did the same.

I am thinking of doing that too. However, I am a big fan of Benjamin Franklin. Therefore, I will get his mug on both of my calves because it costs $200 for me to spread ’em.


Nicolas Cage says he is ‘from Saturn’
April 27th, 2022 under Kelly Clarkson, Nicolas Cage. [ Comments: none ]

Nicolas Cage was on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and he showed off a party trick that he can do.

The Oscar winner can make his singing voice sound like he inhaled helium. The Daytime host was so impressed, she wanted to know how he did it. The actor confessed, “It’s true. I’m from Saturn.”

Is it wrong that I totally believe him? It is totally believable.


Colin Hanks gets mistaken for Nick Jonas
April 25th, 2022 under Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

I can understand people mistaking Colin Hanks for Tom Hanks because the actor looks like his dad. However, I am confused that people confuse him for Nick Jonas when they don’t look alike.

However, it makes sense when he told Kelly Clarkson on her show today it is because Jonas played the avatar version of him in Jumanji. Now, it makes sense why the Jonatics call him Fake Nick Jonas. Although, as he says, Nick is actually the fake Colin Hanks.

So are you Team Fake Nick Jonas or Team Fake Colin Hanks?


Ted Danson can hear his farts again!
April 12th, 2022 under Kelly Clarkson, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen. [ Comments: none ]

Ted Danson isn’t as young as he used to be. So as we get older, things start to go like our hearing. And that is what has happened to the actor. Therefore, he got hearing aids, and he loves them.

Today, when he was on The Kelly Clarkson Show, she asked him what he hears now that he didn’t hear before. The lovable actor told her that he can hear his farts again. Before he got the things that changed his life, he didn’t know his toots still made a toot, even though his wife Mary Steenburgen told him they did.

However, once he got those hearing aids in, he could hear his toots toot again. So, now he is back to making them silent but deadly.

And deadly is how Danson described Woody Harrelson’s farts. You have to listen to the interview above to find out why he knows that. Thus, proving that boys will always be boys, even when they are men. That and farts are always funny.

Watch Danson make us laugh tonight at 8:30p on NBC’s Mr. Mayor.


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