Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The weird way Anne Hathaway eats cupcakes
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[ # ] The weird way Anne Hathaway eats cupcakes
July 20th, 2022 under Anne Hathaway, Kelly Clarkson

Anne Hathaway was on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and the host had a very important question for the actress. Clarkson heard that her guest eats cupcakes differently than you and me.

How does Hathaway eat them? She peels off the liner, splits the cupcake in two, and puts the frosting in the middle to make a little sandwich. This way, she says that you don’t get the best part up your nose.

But then you get too much cake and not enough frosting. So, when I eat one, I eat the sugary sweetness first and throw out the rest because the cake is bland, like the Oscar winner.

How do you eat cupcakes?


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