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BTWF talk shows: Donald Trump on Late Night with David Letterman
July 21st, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, David Letterman, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Before Donald Trump couldn’t stop telling people how much he is worth, he had no idea how much he was worth on Late Night with David Letterman. He is just as pompous now as he was when he was 41 during that 1987 talk show appearance.


David Letterman was enjoying retirement until…
July 11th, 2015 under David Letterman, Donald Trump, Martin Short, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Martin and Martin Short are touring the country together and yesterday they brought out a surprise guest in San Antonio. That person is the recently retired David Letterman. The former late night host admitted he was enjoying his new employment status until Donald Trump announced that he was running for President. So how is he going to let the world know how he feels? He joined two old friends on stage and read a Top Ten about it that will have you laughing so hard, you wish he could get his old show back! Can he?


David Lettermen ended his 33 year run as a class act!
May 21st, 2015 under David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]
After an amazing 33 years and 2 networks, David Letterman said “Thank you and good night,” for the very last time yesterday on The Late Show. The talk show ended its legendary run in a way that proves why late night will never be the same without him. It was a pure class, lots of laughs and even a few tears. So sit back and watch the magic happen in a way that only he could make work.
Thank you David Letterman, and I know this is not good night…with a little luck that is!


BTWF roles: Will Forte on The Late Show with David Letterman
May 20th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, David Letterman, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 4:53 in)

Before Will Forte was co-writing his own show, The Last Man on Earth, he was just a writer on The Late Show with David Letterman. He looks the same now as he did when he was 27 in that 1997 bit.


Talk show hosts pay their respects to David Letterman
May 20th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: 2 ]

Tonight at 11:35p on CBS, David Letterman is saying goodbye to late night after 33 years, a third of a century. Not only has he influenced many people, he has been a big part of all of the remaining talk show hosts’ lives. Jimmy Kimmel was obsessed with him since he was a teenager. Conan O’Brien would still not be on the air had Letterman not come on to Late Night to save it. Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Fallon were guests on his show when they were starting out. Finally, Seth Meyers wouldn’t have a show if Jay Leno didn’t screw Letterman out of The Tonight Show.
So in the last few days, all of the above took time out of their shows to rightfully salute their hero. So watch them pay tribute to the man who they all have to thank for their jobs. Without him Kimmel would still be doing radio, Conan would be writing for The Simpsons, Fallon would be doing unwatchable movies, Ellen would have another sitcom and Meyers would still be on Saturday Night Live. Come to think of it… Joking, they are all better when they are!


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