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Like OMG, Valley Girl gets like a musical remake
April 16th, 2020 under 80s, Alicia Silverstone, Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80s, the movie Valley Girl made girls all over the World want to be Valley Girls. They started to talk like the Moon Zappa song from the film and dress like Deborah Foreman’s character. It also helped to launch the career of some actor named Nicolas Cage. Ever heard of him?

On May 8th, 37 years after the original came out, Orion Pictures is releasing a remake on home video. This time around, Alicia Silverstone tells her daughter all about her rebellious teenage years.

Julie (Jessica Rothe) and her friends leave the Valley for Hollywood. While they are there, she meets bad boy Randy (Josh Whitehouse), and they fall in love. The rest is what most teenage based films in the ’80s were all about. It is the story of dads not wanting their good little daughters dating the bad boys.

There is one big difference with this remake, it is a musical. It will be told through the totally tubular tunes of the ’80s like a-ha’s Take On Me, and The Go-Go’s’ We Got the Beat.

I don’t know about you, but I like so cannot wait to see Valley Girl. The original movie is why I live in the Valley. I have like always like wanted to be one! Totally bitchin’ right? Just like this feature better be! Which it will be.


Geico has a Ratt problem
April 13th, 2020 under 80s, Ads. [ Comments: none ]
One of my favorite Heavy Metal songs from the ’80s is Round and Round by Ratt. I can listen to that song over and over again as it goes round and round on the record player. Does anyone still have one of those?

As we ponder that, I have also wondered whatever happed to the band. Well, it turns out they are still around and touring. Well, when bands will be able to tour again. Which someone predicted won’t be until the fall of 2021.

Anyways back to Ratt, they need to make money some way, so how are they going to do it? They are going to do a commercial for Geico Insurance. Talk about a great insurance policy. Do you think they get free insurance for doing the advertisement?

Once again, back to the Stephan Percy, Juan Croucier, Peter Holmes, and Jordan Ziff, they can still rock out like it is 1984—the good old days when we could leave our houses and go to concerts.


Dan Frischman goes to the Head of the Class for his creative mask
April 13th, 2020 under 80s, Coronavirus. [ Comments: none ]

Dan Frischman/Instagram

Here is Los Angeles, you need to wear a mask whenever you do your essential shopping because of Coronavirus. In fact, in Burbank, you have to wear a mask whenever you are outside. However, there are no masks to be found anywhere. What do you do?

If you are Dan Frischman, then you place your baseball cap over your mouth and hold it in place with a rubber band. Not only did Frischman play a genius on TV’s Head of the Class, but he is also one in real life.

I am sure there a lot of men who will be trying this at home. Well, out of their homes, but you know what I meant.


A mini Head of the Class reunion
March 13th, 2020 under 80s, Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

Tony O’Dell/Instagram

In 1986, Head of the Class made the smart kids look cool. Now, 33 years later, we are seeing that Dan Frischman, Tony O’Dell, Kimberly Russell, Dan Schneider, and Khrystyne Haje are still the cool kids.

Yesterday, Arvid, Alan, Sarah, Dennis, Simone all had a little impromptu reunion! Seeing them together makes me wish they did a revival of their sitcom. Maybe they reunite to open a school for gifted children and find out they haven’t changed at all since high school.

We can see that they all look the same. Well, Schneider recently lost some weight, but that is the only difference.

When it comes to Head of the Class, the show has aged well like them. If you have never seen it, you can watch it on Antenna TV.


An ’80s music fan’s wet dream: a-ha and Rick Astley!
February 24th, 2020 under 80s, Rick Astley, Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80s, everyone was watching the music video for a-ha’s Take On Me, and singing Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up. However, the pop artists never met.

Well, now a-ha and Australia are getting RickRolled because both of them touring a land down under together. What a bill!

BTW Morten Harket is still as sexy now as he was when his life was all black and white.

What I would give to hear The Sun Always Shines On T.V. live. Maybe they will continue to be Together Forever or as long as it takes to them to play LA together. I would pay to see their tour.


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