Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2020
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Odette Annable gives a glimpse of her family life
December 1st, 2020 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

While most celebrities show us their perfect lives at home, the Annables are not like those other couples.

Today, Odette Annable shared a photo her husband, Dave, took of his wife sitting on the toilet as their daughter watches. Thankfully for their marriage, she is the one who posted this picture. If he did it, then I think their days would be numbered.

The moral of this story, celebrities are just like us. Peeing in peace is a thing of the past once you get married and have kids.


BTWF: Keanu Reeves in Hangin’ In
December 1st, 2020 under Before They Were Famous, Keanu Reeves. [ Comments: none ]

Before Keanu Reeves was hanging Ted in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, he was hanging with four other guys in Hangin’ In. He hasn’t aged a day since he was 19 in that 1984 episode.


Gloria Estefan did the Conga with COVID-19
December 1st, 2020 under Coronavirus, Gloria Estefan. [ Comments: none ]

Gloria Estefan revealed today that she had COVID-19 in early November. Thankfully, her symptoms were mild. She only suffered from loss of taste and smell, along with a little cough.

The singer thinks that her symptoms were mild because she has been taking vitamins like D3, C, B12, melatonin, and a multivitamin. She also says Gatorade 0 helps with the dehydration that comes with the illness.

How does she think she got it? Estefan says she went out to eat on October 30th, and a fan with no mask stopped to talk to her. Even though she held her breath, the coronavirus still found a way into her system. Her immunologist friend told her that he thinks because Estefan wears a mask all the time, it helped her to get a lesser amount of the virus in her system. Therefore, wear a mask!

Estefan says she is feeling better now and has tested negative twice since she tested positive. Miami can breathe a sigh of relief, your most famous child is still OK.


Gordon Ramsay is going on a road trip with two of his friends!
December 1st, 2020 under Gordon Ramsay. [ Comments: none ]
Gordon Ramsay, chef Gino D’Acampo and maître d’hôtel Fred Sirieix have had huge success with their road trip show over in Europe. Now, the three of them are crossing to the pond to tour the States and try our delicacies in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Will they be up to the Brit, the Italian, and the Frenchman’s standards? We will find out January 5th on Fox.

However, if it is anything like their European show (hint nudity), we won’t care what they eat. We will just be enjoying three men act like boys as they get around in an RV.

I wouldn’t be surprised if D’Acampo becomes a huge star in America after this special. I have adored him ever since I saw him promote the UK show two years ago.


Ellen Page comes out as Elliot
December 1st, 2020 under Admirable People. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2014, Ellen Page came out as gay. Today, the Oscar nominee revealed that he is transgender and transitioning to Elliot.

Hi friends, I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot. I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my life.

I feel overwhelming gratitude for the incredible people who have supported me along this journey. I can’t begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self. I’ve been endlessly inspired by so many in the trans community. Thank you for your courage, your generosity and ceaselessly working to make this world a more inclusive and compassionate place. I will offer whatever support I can and continue to strive for a more loving and equal society.

I also ask for patience. My joy is real, but it is also fragile. The truth is, despite feeling profoundly happy right now and knowing how much privilege I carry, I am also scared. I’m scared of the invasiveness, the hate, the “jokes” and of violence. To be clear, I am not trying to dampen a moment that is joyous and one that I celebrate, but I want to address the full picture. The statistics are staggering. The discrimination towards trans people is rife, insidious and cruel, resulting in horrific consequences. In 2020 alone it has been reported that at least 40 transgender people have been murdered, the majority of which were Black and Latinx trans women. To the political leaders who work to criminalize trans health care and deny our right to exist and to all of those with a massive platform who continue to spew hostility towards the trans community: you have blood on your hands. You unleash a fury of vile and demeaning rage that lands on the shoulders of the trans community, a community in which 40% of trans adults report attempting suicide. Enough is enough. You aren’t being “cancelled,” you are hurting people. I am one of those people and we won’t be silent in the face of your attacks.

I love that I am trans. And I love that I am queer. And the more I hold myself close and fully embrace who I am, the more I dream, the more my heart grows and the more I thrive. To all trans people who deal with harassment, self-loathing, abuse and the threat of violence every day: I see you, I love you and I will do everything I can to change this world for the better.
Thank you for reading this.

Good for him for living his life as he wants to live it. Enjoy your life as you want, Elliot. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

No word how this will affect his role on The Umbrella Academy that was recently picked up for a third season on Netflix.


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