Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Gino D’Acampo says Gordon Ramsay’s willie woke him up
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[ # ] Gino D’Acampo says Gordon Ramsay’s willie woke him up
October 11th, 2018 under Gordon Ramsay, This Morning

Chefs Gino D’Acampo, Gordon Ramsay and Fred Sirieix took a road trip around Europe and Gordon, Gino and Fred’s adventures are going to air on ITV. Since it is going to debut tonight, the Italian chef was on This Morning this morning to talk about it.

D’Acampo told the anchors that the three men would get naked all the time on their small bus and that the British one is a big one in every form of the way. In fact, he woke up every day with Kitchen Nightmares over it because Ramsay would tap his Spatchela every morning on his foot. Proving that even though they are three of the world’s most renowned chef’s, they can still act like very naughty boys.

So much so, that I hope that Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip finds its way over the pond so that we can watch it. Especially because if the traveling food show gets renewed, Ramsay wants to take them around Las Vegas to find the best food in the city of sin.

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