On Friday, Wendy Williams was doing her show, when all of sudden we heard a strange sound., one that sounded a lot like a fart. Since then, people have wondered if she really did cut the cheese on her talk show. So did she?
The host talked about it for nearly six minutes today and explained how she didn’t let one rip. First off, she likes to sit with her body tilted because it is more comfortable than straight up. Second, she barely farts, she is a belcher because all she does is talk. Third, if she did do it, she would have laughed because they are always funny. Fourth, if she did let one go like the one we heard, then she would have run to change her outfit.
Since she knew she did not do it, who did? She made her crew investigate and this what they found out. Williams brought out John, who explained where the sound came from. They had a guest on named Kate the Chemist and she was doing an experiment with something called air gas. While they were testing it out, they realized they had the wrong hose. Thus, the air was sputtering out of it, and it was making the noise we heard.
Now that you have heard her side of it, do you believe her story? I think the lady doth protest too much!
Earlier this week, Dolly Parton posted a photo with four different looks. One each for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instragram and Tinder. Since then several celebrites and non-celebs have done their take on the #DollyChallenge.
However, no one did it as brilliantly as Denis Leary. Instead, of using four photos of himself, he used images of the stars he is often mistaken for like Kevin Bacon, Jane Lynch, Willem Dafoe, and Lauren Hutton. I would like to see someone to top it. It will be impossible.
If you missed the post that started it all, then click here!
Justin Bieber was seen working in a food truck, so has the singer hit hard times? I mean, his newest single isn’t doing that well, so it would make sense.
However, he is doing OK. So OK, he is promoting it on The Late Late Show, by working in the Yummy food truck with James Corden for a sketch.
I can’t wait to see people’s reactions when they realize it is the Beebs taking their order, and not a Harry Styles doppleganger working at Starbucks.
Y’all have heard that Gwyneth Paltrow is selling a candle on Goop that is called This Smells Like My Vagina. Even though it costs $75, people still spent the money to find out if it does.
Since Seth Meyers can not get his hands on one, he asked her it does on Late Night yesterday. She shared with the NBC how it got its name. She was with the man who created the scent, and he lit it up for her to sniff. Her reaction, as soon as she got a whiff of it, was, “I smell this beautiful thing, and I was like this smells like my vagina.” However, she was just joking. It does not smell like her vagina.
What does she think her vagina smells like? According to the website, it smells like, “geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed.” Thus, she thinks her vajayjay smells like roses. Would you think otherwise?
Why did they go with that name? The actress feels that “I think woman, a lot of us, have grown up feeling certain degrees of shame around our body or whatever. So this is just a little bit of a, you know, subversive candle for all of us out there.” That, and the name is “punk rock.”
Now I wonder if all of those people, who bought it, are thinking of returning it. Could it be considered to be false advertising?
The Fast Money round on Family Feud can go one of two ways. If you and a teammate get 200 points, then you win $10,000. If you don’t, then you get $5 for each point you scored.
Most of the time, it is a team effort. However, sometimes one teammate does all the work. Case in point, Lamont scored 187 points in his round. Therefore, it should be easy for Robert to score the remaining 13 points. It wasn’t. So much so, I don’t think the Allen family will be letting Santa Claus in their house for Christmas.
How could not one person say that Santa Claus is the best part of Christmas? I love Santa! I mean without him, who would give us the gifts we love so much? And how was family the #1 answer over presents? Who wants to see their family on the holiday? Especially the ones who give crappy gifts.