Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019
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Jennifer Beals blushes when she watches Flashdance
December 3rd, 2019 under Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Beals. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1983, Jennifer Beals became a household name because of a little movie called Flashdance. To me, as a kid, I was interested in her dancing. As I grew up, I got excited to watch it for a totally different reason. The movie is steamy, from her storyline to the dance numbers and finally the music. Shandi’s He’s a Dream just makes you want to move your body like a stripper. Heck, I learned how to take my bra off with my shirt on thanks to this picture. That and how enticing it is to show off my braless shoulder in a sweatshirt. In other words, we get hot just thinking about it. You don’t have to melt butter for your lobster just thinking about that scene.

Well, that is us. Back in 2014, Beals had a whole new insight into the movie that made her famous. She tells Ellen DeGeneres today that she did not realize how sexual it was until that screening. What film of hers was the actress thinking of when she thought about this one? The movie oozes eroticism. Why else do you think the boys want to see it? It is not for the plot.

If Flashdance made her blush, then what does The L Word make her do? That show had more passionate sex scenes than the feature.

All this writing I just did about the film makes me watch it again. See you in a few hours because I am off to Hulu and Holla.


Reality Queen, that’s hot!
December 3rd, 2019 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when Paris Hilton was the hottest thing out there? Then she was replaced by the Kardashians? Well, Reality Queen is a movie that imagines what it was like for her when she started to decline and the three sisters took over her reign.

The film is described as, “Writer-director Steven Jay Bernheim’s clever mockumentary fixes on a Paris Hilton-esque heiress named London (newcomer Julia Faye West) who is struggling to regain fame after being pushed out of the limelight by three Kardashian-type sisters named The Kims. London’s life is a self-indulgent maelstrom of product endorsements, talent managers, pet psychics, private jets, fashion shows, yachts, and a celebrity posse. Despite her wackiness, she ultimately makes it back to the top of the heap. This parody of America’s infatuation with fame raises the question: are these celebs-for-no-reason marketing geniuses, or are they just the accidental beneficiaries of the American public’s stupidity?”

I describe it as “that’s hot.” It is the spoof we have been waiting over a decade for, so it makes sense it will be the first comedy to come out in the new decade. Mark your calendars because you are not going to want to miss it when it comes out on January 10th in select theaters, home video, and digital.


Watch Gwyneth Paltrow wash her face
December 3rd, 2019 under Gwyneth Paltrow. [ Comments: none ]
It is a slow day, so let me make it more exciting for you. Here is Gwyneth Paltrow applying some facial cleanser. Well, it is less boring than most of her movies. See, I can say something positive about her.


Did you guess the Oreo mystery flavor?
December 3rd, 2019 under Fast Food, Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

For the second year in a row, Oreo released a Mystery flavor cookie. They they asked us to guess what they tasted like.

Last year, it was Fruity Pebbles. This year, I thought it was Cinnamon Toast Crunch because I was keeping the cereal theme going on. I was close, but not close enough. The answer was Churro.

Did you guess it right? Would you get them again? I would not. However, I wish they would bring back the Flintstones’ flavored one. Those were even better than the cereal.


Oh no, there is a french fry shortage
December 3rd, 2019 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

It looks like we won’t be hearing, “Do you want fries with that?” That is because Today is reporting there is a shortage of the potatoes that make them.

Due to the cold weather, farmers produced fewer potatoes and the ones they did produce were shorter. Thus, leading to the shortage.

What will restaurants do? They will serve less or charge more. I guess we will have to try other sides until this national disaster ends.

If this was 1992, then we could have blamed Dan Quayle for the lack of potatoe (get it?) supply. Sadly, it is not.


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