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Swamp Thing is suspenseful horror series we need
May 31st, 2019 under DC Comics. [ Comments: none ]

Once again the Swamp Thing comes to life and this time he is streaming on DC Universe.

Abby (Crystal Reed) is a doctor who works for the CDC. She is called back to her hometown, Houma, Louisiana, to investigate a mysterious illness that has left a little girl unconscious. No one knows what is plaguing Susie (Elle Graham) and no one can find her father who fishes in the swamp.

Abby has not been home since she was 17 and people don’t want her back. Something happened right before she graduated high school and she was chased out of town. Even though she is unwelcome, they will let her stay as long as she can prevent this illness from spreading.

Along the way, she meets Alex Holland (Andy Bean), a scientist, who has seen people dump in the swamp. Together he and Abby will see if what was dumped in the water could be causing the illness.

After a long day of working she stays behind, while he takes a ride in a boat at night to check something out in the swamp. Out of nowhere, he is shot several in the chest, falls into the water and his boat blows up. Something gets a hold of him, and he becomes the Swamp Thing.

Now he is protecting the town from the bad people, but they think he is a monster. His presence has upset the light and dark, and now the swamp is alive again.

There is so much mystery going on in this small town, that you will want to know everything that is happening in this interpretation of the DC comic series.

My only negative about this show is that it is way too dark. Sometimes I found it hard to see what was going on. Other than it is the perfect summer show.


Descedants 3 is letting us know it is Good to be Bad!
May 31st, 2019 under Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

Disney Channel announced today that Descendants 3 is going to debut on August 2nd. However, what is news like that without giving us a little tease to get excited about for the sequel? What is a better way to do that than releasing the opening song, Good to Bad, with a dance number that made me feel like I just got a workout by watching it?

If the rest of the movie is like that, then it might be the best one yet. What is the film about? They say, it “unfolds on VK Day as fair-minded Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay—the Villain Kids AKA The VKs—cross the barrier and return to their birthplace, the Isle of the Lost, to bring four deserving Villain Kids to the coveted Auradon Prep in a land where they have a chance at success, happiness and fulfillment. But, it’s Mal who knows she must resolve to permanently close the barrier to the Isle of the Lost, fearing that nemeses Uma and Hades will wreak vengeance on her new home, the idyllic kingdom now ruled by her beloved King Ben. Despite her decision, an unfathomable dark force still threatens the people of Auradon, and Mal and her friends face their biggest challenge yet.”

Mark your calendars because you don’t want to miss the musical about the teenagers of the Disney Royals and Villians trying to put their differences aside as they go to school together. It makes the Jocks and the Geeks battling it out look boring. Maybe if they sang and danced together, they would all get along?


Would you go to a rat bar?
May 31st, 2019 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

We have heard of cafes with cats, dogs or birds in them, but what about a bar with rats? Wouldn’t that get them closed down by the health inspector? Not in San Fransico.

Next month, for three nights only, starting on June 13th, you can drink with the rodents at The San Fransisco Dungeon for $49.99. What do you get for that price? You get a signature drink, a full San Francisco Dungeon tour (including our seasonal show, The Chinatown Gang Wars!), 30 minutes of play time with the rats, and exclusive bar access.

I thought they would call their signature drink Rat Poison, but instead, the rat-tail is called Ama-RAT-o Sour. No matter how many Ama-RAT-o Sours I drink, I could never be drunk enough to drink with rats. I will just stick with Cat Cafes and maybe bring a few of the kitties to the Rat Bar with me for some fun? What?


The 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee ran out of challenging words
May 31st, 2019 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, was the 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee and they had not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven but eight winners. How did that happen? After 20 rounds, nine hours and spelling 152 words correctly, they ran out of words to challenge the Octochamps: Erin Howard; Rishik Gandhasri; Abhijay Kodali; Shruthika Padhy; Rohan Raja; Saketh Sundar; Sohum Sukhatankar; and Christopher Serrao.

I might not be that smart because I was eliminated from a spelling bee due to the word imbecile; but isn’t there a book with an endless amount of words they could use to get some more. You know, like a dictionary? I guess not.

It was a costly decision because it cost them $400,000, $50,000 per kid. You better believe there are going to be changes to next year’s competition. As exciting as it is to watch, it ain’t cheap to have that many winners.

BTW the Octochamps were on Good Morning America today and they were all happy to share the win. I wonder if they would have felt the same if they had to share the $50,000 grand prize. What are they going to do with their winnings? Save it for college, of course. They are smart kids. Unlike me who would have thrown a massive party with the money. Which is why I was taken down by imbecile. That and my teachers hated me!


Kenny Rogers is not on his deathbed, but he is in the hospital
May 31st, 2019 under Kenny Rogers. [ Comments: 2 ]

Kenny Rogers is the hospital and some places are reporting that he is on his deathbed with bladder cancer. The singer’s people released a statement to let people that is not the case.

They wrote, “Kenny was recently admitted to a local Georgia hospital and treated for dehydration. He will remain there to complete some physical therapy to get his strength back prior to discharge. He appreciates the concern and well wishes he has received from his fans and can assure everyone he plans on sticking around through the years to come.”

We all know the 80-year-old is a Gambler, and I am betting he will come out of this just fine. Until then, know we are praying for your speedy recovery.


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