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Bragelina are officially Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie again
April 13th, 2019 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

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Today is a sad in Hollywood because Brad Pitt and Angelina are officially single again. While The Blast says they are not divorced yet, this just lets them go on with their lives as single people as they finalize all the remaining details to end their marriage and custody of their childen.

The judgment is good for anyone who wants to date them. Wonder who will come out first with their new lover? I say Pitt will be walking the Once Upon A Time in Hollywood red carpet with his new arm candy. Until then we are left to imagine who she is. Who do you think the lucky woman will be?

The former couple went public with their relationship in 2005, got married in 2014 and split in 2016. They raised 6 children together: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne.


Patty Jenkins responds to Ryan Murphy copying 1984 for AHS’s title
April 12th, 2019 under American Horror Story, DC Comics, Van Halen. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this week, Ryan Murphy announced that the latest installment of American Horror Story will be called 1984. However, we also heard that year being used in a title for one of the most anticipated movies of next year. Wonder Woman 2 is also already taking place in the same year that Footloose, Gremlins, Nightmare on Elm Street, Revenge of the Nerds, Karate Kid, Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop, Splash, Spinal Tap, Children of the Corn, Streets of Fire and Police Academy came out.

How does director Patty Jenkins feel about Murphy stealing her thunder? She wrote, “Dear @MrRPMurphy #AHS1984. Wow, what a great title!!! Oh… wait a minute. Uh… Love, #WW1984”

Say, say, say, forget Deniece Williams’ Let’s Hear It For the Boy because this time it is all about let’s hear it for the girl. I am sure you might think that is a diss, but I think we can all agree girls just want to have fun.

Hello, let’s go crazy and admit that 1984 was a thriller, therefore you cannot blame them for having an infatuation with it. Therefore, I’m so excited and head over heels for both projects, so let’s jump, get footloose, raise 99 luft balloons and cum on feel the noize for both 1984s.

UPDATE: Ryan Murphy was like you think you can take on me, you can’t. Therefore, he responded to her by writing, “Dear @PattyJenks #WW1984. Wow, what a great title!!! Oh… wait a minute. Uh… Love, #GeorgeOrwell’s1984 ;)”

Now, it is up to George Orwell to respond. Oh…wait a minute. Since he is dead, maybe Van Halen will weigh in cause they have has an album with the same name since, well, 1984. The band can show both directors a house of pain.


Blue Bloods gets sentenced to another year
April 12th, 2019 under NBC, Tom Selleck. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday CBS announced that they renwed NCIS for a 17th season and today they asked Blue Bloods for a 10th one. Something that was a no-brainer after Tom Selleck signed on the dotted line.

Even though the cop family drama airs on Friday nights, it is the 8th most-watched show on broadcast TV. It used to be television’s death night until this Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg show.

Personally, I have not enjoyed this season as much as years past. I hope they get back to doing what they did best instead of making the Reagans look as dickish as possible until the final seconds of the episode.

UPDATE: NBC also picked up Good Girls for a third season. A surprising move because it is not doing that well in the ratings. Which is sad because it is a really good, female-empowering show that stars Christina Hendricks, Mae Whitman and Retta. Check it on Sundays at 10p. Especially now that you know it will be back for another year.


Star Wars: Episode IX gets a name and a trailer
April 12th, 2019 under Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

For over 40 years, people have been waiting for the final Star Wars movie, and that time is in a galaxy near nearby. In 8 months, fans will get to see the last episode and today they got a glimpse of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Since I have not seen a Star Wars movie since Episode II, I have no idea what is going on this trailer. However judging all of the people going crazy on social media about it, there is a lot to be excited about this Christmas. Are you dripping with anticipation?


Suzanne Somers is one with nature during this bath
April 12th, 2019 under Suzanne Somers, Taking a bath. [ Comments: none ]

There used to be these commercials where women in stressful situations would ask for Calgon to take them away. They would take their baths with the bubble bath and be transported to calming places like a desert in Palm Springs.

Suzanne Somers might not have Calgon, but she has a real bathtub in her Palm Springs backyard. Which is a million times better than some cheap soap. That is unless a helicopter is flying over observing you.

Something I am sure the people in that chopper would not mind seeing because she looks good for 72 years young.


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