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Danny DeVito reveals how he nailed the audition for Taxi!
March 25th, 2019 under Danny DeVito, Larry King, Taxi. [ Comments: none ]

Before Taxi, Danny DeVito only had small roles on television. Therefore, he did not know the big named producers who were attached to the sitcom.

When the actor got the script, he told Larry King on his Ora TV show that he “loved it”. Thus, he really wanted to make sure he left an impression with them.

He walked in, the casting director introduced him to producers so now it was time for him to sit down and audition in the hot seat. Before he sat down, he said them. “There is one thing I want to know before I start, ‘Who wrote this 💩,'” as he threw the script down on the table. With that Louis De Palma, one of television’s all-time greatest characters on television’s all-time greatest show, was born.

If you have never seen the brilliance of Taxi, watch it on Hulu or Tubi TV, the latter for free. You will understand why this will always be my favorite program. To get a glimpse of what it made it so wonderful, then click here!


No need to call 9-1-1 or see The Resident, both show were picked up!
March 25th, 2019 under Fox, Ryan Murphy. [ Comments: none ]

Fox announced today that its two Monday night dramas, The Resident and 9-1-1 will be back for a third season. While the news is not a surprise, what took them so long to renew them is. Then again, I could be biased because I watch both of them.

In fact, tonight’s episode of 9-1-1 at 9p is one not to miss. Last week when the show left off, Chimney’s (Kenneth Choi) girlfriend (Jennifer Love Hewitt) came face-to-face with her abusive ex (Hewitt’s real-life husband Brian Hallisay). I could tell you that tonight’s episode picks up where that one left off, but I would be lying to you. It is actually about Chimney’s backstory.

Tonight, we find out how his character became a firefighter/paramedic. He was doing something else when he got the calling. Then, he, along with someone close to him, went to the academy together. After they graduated they went to two different houses and got very different treatment. Chimney’s was much more of a rookie’s, but in the long run, it helped to make him the first responder he became. That and something else.

It was not an easy road for him, but what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

What this episode means for the future of Maddie (Hewitt) and Chimney, I guess we will find out next week.


You Outta Know Alanis Morissette is pregnant again!
March 25th, 2019 under Alanis Morissette. [ Comments: none ]

Alanis Morissette posted the above photo and said, “so much NEWness… ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻”

If you look at her from the neck up, then you would think she was talking about working on a new album. If you look at her from the neck down, then you see her baby bump. Which is why she said so much newness.

The singer and her husband of 8 years, Mario Treadway, have an 8-year old son, Ever Imre, and a 2-year-old daughter, Onyx Solace. I wonder what they will name baby #3. There is seriously no way of guessing.


Can you bring any leashed animal to Petco?
March 25th, 2019 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

Petco says that “All leashed pets welcome,” but do they mean it? Vincent Browning and Shelly Lumpkin wanted to see if they meant it, so they took Oliver the African Watusi to the Petco in Atascocita to find out. What did they find out? All leashed animals are welcome in their store and they love them all equally!

Now that I know that, I can’t wait to bring my submissive there so he can pick up my cat’s food for me.


Luke Bryan made me cry on American Idol!
March 25th, 2019 under American Idol 9+, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday, Colby Swift gave one heck of a performance on American Idol, but Luke Bryan was focused on something else. The singer noticed that the contestant’s boots had holes in the soles, so Bryan gave him the boots off of his feet. Which was a really noble and sweet gesture, and it made me cry.

That is what American Idol is all about giving someone who really deserves a chance for a better life, one. I hope Swift makes to the top 10 and ultimately wins because he also has a really has a great voice.

When it comes to Bryan, it just made me like him a whole more and I already love him.


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