Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2018 » July
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Happytime Murders from the studio who was sued by Sesame Street over it
July 31st, 2018 under Melissa McCarthy. [ Comments: none ]
Now that we are less than a month away from the release of The Happytime Murders, STX, the studio who was sued over the movie, is releasing some new TV ads to promote the release. They are so proud of that fact that they did a TV spot announcing that in bold letters.

Don’t know why Sesame Street took them court (and lost), then watch the two promos above to find out. They are SFW, unlike the Red Band trailer they released two months ago. My poor eyes saw things it cannot unsee, and they do not want to.

So who is going to go be there with me to see this movie that is so not for kids on August 24th? Although, I will be showing it my friends’ kids the next time I babysit. They loved Sausage Party!


Mila Kunis does the absolute worst Chewbacca!
July 31st, 2018 under Jimmy Fallon, That '70s Show. [ Comments: none ]

Mila Kunis was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged her, Questlove and Zachary Quinto to a new game called Say That To My Face. Basically, each player is given several face masks of famous people that they cannot see whose mug it is, and their team member gives them clues to who it is. When the mask holder guesses who it is, then the next person goes until the clock runs out.

Sounds like an easy game, until Mrs. Ashton Kutcher got Chewbacca and tried to do his Wookie sound. But it is that stupidity that made this game a laugh riot. My cheeks hurt from laughing because it was hard to be kind to the stars that they were trying to decribe. Phrases like “I have a big butt” or “I am Putin’s bitch!”

If you need a laugh today, this will do it. That and Kunis’ story about her disaterious honeymoon with her husband in an RV. To hear the story, then click here!


NBC makes time for a Timeless series finale
July 31st, 2018 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]
Out of all of the shows that were cancelled last season, Timeless has the biggest and most vocal fanbase. Clockblockers fought really hard to save our show and it worked! NBC announced today that they will give the beloved time-traveling drama a 2-part series finale during the holidays to give us closure! But be prepared because they warn it will be an emotional goodbye.

Executive producers Shawn Ryan and Eric Kripke wished the show could have gone for as many years as the team traveled, as in centuries. Then they added, “We’re thrilled to take the Lifeboat out for one last spin and bring closure to our story. The studio, network, cast and crew are all doing this for one reason only: the fans. Because they deserve it. Because the fans made this happen and we thank them for their passion, support and helicopters. So? You guys want to get Rufus back or what?”

We want Rufus back. While like the EPs said, it is a not another season. It is still better than nothing.

I am going to do a happy dance to Robert Johnson. If you do not get why I said that, then you are not a Clockblocker!

Sincerest thanks to everyone who made this happen. The power of the fans! Now can someone let The Last Man on Earth do the same thing because I want to see how Will Forte’s description of what was going to happen next, happen?

How excited are you that the show will get a proper ride off into time?

UPDATE: Abigal Spencer recorded a thank you message for the fans. To see it and her spill coffee all over herself, then click here!


Kim Kardashian was naked when Donald Trump called about the pardon
July 31st, 2018 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Remember a few weeks ago, when Kim Kardashian went to the White House to meet Donald Trump. Well, yesterday she gave all the juicy details about their conversations to Jimmy Kimmel.

She said that when she walked into the Oval Office, her first words to him were, “Holy sh!t, we’re in the f*cking Oval Office.” Keeping it classy, of course. Then the two talked about unfair prison sentences and pardoning Alice Johnson.

A week later, as we know, he pardoned her, and he called Kardashian to tell her the good news. She was at a photoshoot at the time. One, that required her to be naked, of course, and she told them to get a robe. Personally, she would have gotten more out of him if she told him that. We know that is what he likes.

Anyways, she said she was the first one to tell Johnson the news, and they both were crying. Although, she had to hold back the tears because she did not want to ruin her makeup.

Since she gotJohnson freed, she gets a stack of letters from people asking her to help them out.

When it comes to Kanye West’s love for Trump. She explained he liked how he got into office, but he does not follow politics. Maybe if he did, then he would understand why he should change his opinion.

And I just wasted a whole post on this. Previous presidents got the best of the best celebrities to join them at 1600 Penn. This one gets Kimye and that is enough to show how awful this administration is.


Alan Alda reveals he has Parkinson’s disease
July 31st, 2018 under Admirable People, Alan Alda. [ Comments: none ]

Alan Alda is a beloved actor best known for playing a doctor on M*A*S*H and now the doctor is a patient. Today, the 82-year-old revealed to CBS This Morning that he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three and a half years ago, and he is not letting that get him down.

He told them a few years ago, he started acting out his dreams while he was sleeping and he read an article that said that is a symptom of the disease, so he went to his doctor to get tested. The doctor asked him if he had any other symptoms and he said no. Which made the doctor wonder why he wanted to get tested, but he still did the test. Turns out he does have it and since then he has been living a fuller life than before he had it.

On Twitter today, he wrote, “I decided to let people know I have Parkinson’s to encourage others to take action. I was Diagnosed 3 and a half years ago, but my life is full. I act, I give talks, I do my podcast, which I love. If you get a diagnosis, keep moving!” Then he added, “I take boxing lessons 3 days a week, play singles tennis twice a week, and take a mild pill – all Dr. recommended. I even juggle a little. And I’m not entering dementia. I’m no more demented than I was before. Maybe I should rephrase that. Really, I’m good.”

How many 28-year-olds are that active, let alone people that are the reverse age? But it is his positive attitude and early diagnosis that is helping to slow his progression down.

By getting his story out there, it might help someone else. That is part of the reason why he revealed it today. That and to promote his podcast Clear & Vivid on Apple.

Alda is not the first legend this year to reveal that he has it, Neil Diamond also revealed in January, that he was also diagnosed with it.


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