Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Alan Alda
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Alan Alda laughing hysterically
April 13th, 2021 under Alan Alda. [ Comments: none ]

Alan Alda has made us laugh out loud for decades. Now, we get to see him laugh uncontrollably with his wife, Arlene. What got the couple, who has been married 64, to giggle like that? We don’t know.

All we know is that their grandson, Jake Alda Coffey, asked them to record a video message for their grandchildren.

As much as I want to know what caused the hilarity, seeing them laugh like that at 85 brings a huge smile to my face. I hope I am still laughing like that when I am their age. Oy, I hope I make it to that age!


BTWF: Alan Alda on The Phil Silvers Show
February 6th, 2019 under Alan Alda, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Alan Alda was in the Army on M*A*S*H, he put up his Army buddy on The Phil Silvers Show. He looks the same now as he did when he was 22 in that 1958 episode.


Watch Alan Alda teach Mike Farrell how to find his podcast!
February 5th, 2019 under 70s, Alan Alda. [ Comments: none ]

Back on the ’70s, Alan Alda and Mike Farrell knew everything about medicine on their show M*A*S*H. In the year 2019, the two of them have to figure out how to set up Alda’s Podcast, Clear+Vivid, on his buddy’s phone.

In a time when things seem so dark, here is something that is so full of light. I dare you not to smile through the whole lesson. Especially when Arlene Alda complains about having to hold the camera up for so long. Boys will be boys. Isn’t it so sweet to see that they are still such great friends after 40 years?

Oh and I hope no one tells Alda he spelled wrong. But we all do that when we have to type two long words together. Which makes that tweet even sweeter!


Alan Alda reveals he has Parkinson’s disease
July 31st, 2018 under Admirable People, Alan Alda. [ Comments: none ]

Alan Alda is a beloved actor best known for playing a doctor on M*A*S*H and now the doctor is a patient. Today, the 82-year-old revealed to CBS This Morning that he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three and a half years ago, and he is not letting that get him down.

He told them a few years ago, he started acting out his dreams while he was sleeping and he read an article that said that is a symptom of the disease, so he went to his doctor to get tested. The doctor asked him if he had any other symptoms and he said no. Which made the doctor wonder why he wanted to get tested, but he still did the test. Turns out he does have it and since then he has been living a fuller life than before he had it.

On Twitter today, he wrote, “I decided to let people know I have Parkinson’s to encourage others to take action. I was Diagnosed 3 and a half years ago, but my life is full. I act, I give talks, I do my podcast, which I love. If you get a diagnosis, keep moving!” Then he added, “I take boxing lessons 3 days a week, play singles tennis twice a week, and take a mild pill – all Dr. recommended. I even juggle a little. And I’m not entering dementia. I’m no more demented than I was before. Maybe I should rephrase that. Really, I’m good.”

How many 28-year-olds are that active, let alone people that are the reverse age? But it is his positive attitude and early diagnosis that is helping to slow his progression down.

By getting his story out there, it might help someone else. That is part of the reason why he revealed it today. That and to promote his podcast Clear & Vivid on Apple.

Alda is not the first legend this year to reveal that he has it, Neil Diamond also revealed in January, that he was also diagnosed with it.


Alan Alda doing a cartwheel is the best thing you will see all day!
February 13th, 2017 under 70s, Alan Alda. [ Comments: none ]

It’s Monday and we all need something to cheer us up! How about Alan Alda trying to do a cartwheel at 80 years young? While it didn’t go over well, it is the best thing he has done since M*A*S*H! So good, no matter how many times you watch it, it brings a huge smile to your face. Just like M*A*S*H, no matter how many times you watch it, it never gets old.

And talking about old, Alda proves no matter how old you get, you are never too old to be a big kid!


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