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Roseanne got an additional episode order
November 13th, 2017 under Roseanne. [ Comments: none ]

It seems like the ABC is really liking the episodes that the Roseanne revival is putting out because they ordered an additional episode before it even has a premiere date. According to TV Line that brings the total to 9…and hopefully counting.

I was kind of nervous that the revival would stink, but it seems like that is not the case. Which is a good thing because the first go around of the show is still as relevant and as enjoyable today as it was then.

My prediction is Roseanne will air at 8:30p on Tuesdays with Fresh Off the Boat moving to 9:30p. ABC would be stupid to move The Middle or put the show up against This Is Us. Their other comedy night is solid, so this seems to be the only option. I think. Anything can happen.

BTW this is not the only show to get an additional episode order. ABC ordered 3 more episodes of Kevin (Probably) Saves the World. When it comes to The Mayor, they only asked for 3 additional scripts. Not a good sign for the freshman comedy that needs something I cannot put a finger on.


Can you imagine Suits without Mike and Rachel?
November 13th, 2017 under Suits. [ Comments: none ]

Suits was built around the relationship between Harvey and Mike, and now it is being reported that one of them is leaving if the show gets an 8th season on USA. Variety is reporting that if the legal drama gets an 8th season, which it is close to doing so, Patrick J Adams, who plays Mike Ross, will not be back. Not only he is not returning, neither is his finacee Rachel. It is rumored that Meghan Markle is already a fiancee to Prince Harry, so her departure makes sense.

While I have no qualms about losing the future Princess, I do have a problem with losing Mike. There are four major characters on the show, that it can not live without, and he is one of them. It is hard to picture the drama without him. So much so, I am not sure an 8th season is worth it. What do you think?


A classic sitcom fan’s wet dream!
November 13th, 2017 under 60s, 70s, Barbara Eden, Loni Anderson, Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

When you were growing up, did you dream of hanging with Jeanie in her bottle? Did you want to work at a radio station like WKRP, just so you could know someone like Jennifer? Did you wish your mother was as rockin’ as Shirley Partridge? We all did! Let’s be real.

Here are the three sitcom Goddesses hanging out recently and Loni Anderson, Barbara Eden and Shirley Jones all look phenomenal. They could easily do a sitcom together and it would be a huge hit. Who wouldn’t want to see these funny beauties back on our TVs every week? Especially because they have not aged a day since their shows ended. Which technically they haven’t because they still all air in syndication.

Seriously, don’t they all look sweller than swell and hotter than Hell!


Listen to 100 theme songs played on a guitar in 11 minutes!
November 13th, 2017 under TV Scripted Prime Time. [ Comments: none ]

One of my biggest complaints about TV today is that they stopped using theme songs for the most part. The tunes at the opening of a program can make a memorable show even more memorable. You hear The Jeffersons theme and you are transplanted to a deluxe apartment in the sky or you picture an hourglass if you hear theme from Days of our Lives or the snap of two fingers makes you want to watch The Addams Family. The one thing they all have in common is that happy feeling you get when you hear them. Even a snippet of the Animanics theme makes you want to smile. Therefore imagine 100 of them combined together? They give us a history of television unlike any thing else we have heard before. No matter how stressful your day is, this video of Joe working his finger magic for Reverb will make the stress slip away every time he plays a chord.

BTW you can totally tell Joe is a child of the ’90s because of the songs he chose from that era, it is all cartoons and Nickelodeon.

Finally, I discovered this video thanks to Me TV who airs a lot of the shows whose theme songs he played.


Does Jessica Alba look better with or without makeup?
November 13th, 2017 under Jessica Alba. [ Comments: none ]

Jessica Alba had a date night with Cash Warren over the weekend, and she brought in her hair makeup people to make the expectant mother of her third child look like the movie star that she is. She shared a photo of herself before they came in to work their magic and afterwards. What a difference they made on her. Having said all of that, she is beautiful either way. What do you think?


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