It’s Britney Spears party and she’ll sing if she wants to. Therefore, she did. She said that she, “always wanted to do a performance like this… singing in a pretty little black dress, with a simple 360, one take shot! I figured since it was my birthday, why not go for it?! So boom 💥 When the clock struck 12:00, I did it!!! Thank you all for the beautiful birthday wishes, and for letting me do what I love. I appreciate you more than you will ever know!!!!”
Then she shared that video of herself singing Elvis Presley’s Can’t Help Falling in Love in a LBD as a cameraman went around her in a circle. She got her birthday wish and we got our wish of hearing her real singing voice.
As good as a job she did, I will always be partial to the Corey Hart cover of the song. To hear it, then click here!
On October 1st, Jason Aldean’s life was forever changed when a madman shot up his concert in Las Vegas killing 58 people and injuring 546. Then exactly two months life later his life changed again because he ans his wife welcomed his first child together which is also his first son. He has two daughtes, Keely, 14, and Kendyl, 10, from his first marriage.
He announced the happy news on Instagram, “So blessed today to see my little man come into the world. In a year that has been a rollercoaster ride, this is what its all about. I cant wait to see what life has in store for this kid. Memphis Aldean… 9lb 5 oz. #mamawasarockstar.” That is one big bouncing baby boy.
Hopefully, due to his son’s birth we can all celebrate life again and not death. Enough mass shootings.
Next Christmas, Fox is expected to release the Freddie Mercury biopic, but Bohemian Rhapsody has hit a major snag. The movie’s director Bryan Singer has not shown up to work since the Thanksgiving break, thus forcing the studio to halt production.
The director’s rep told the BBC, Singer has “a personal health matter concerning Bryan and his family.” Then they added, “Bryan hopes to get back to work on the film soon after the holidays.”
Meanwhile sources told The Hollywood Reporter that “producers and his star had grown tired of Singer’s behavior, which saw him routinely show up late to set.” The trade also pointed out this is not the only time he disappeared from a production, he did the same on X-Men: Apocalypse and during Superman Returns.
Which makes you wonder if Fox will replace him or let him return to the set in the New Year.
Personally, I am OK with them cancelling the movie all together. I just don’t think Freddie Mercury’s story needs to be told. Considering this feature has been years in the making and not happening until now, I think the singer of Queen agrees with me.
Stephen Fry was on The Graham Norton Show tonight and he shared a story that was quite interesting. Prince Charles had a star studded 50th birthday party and both Fry and the Spice Girls were guests of the Prince’s. As he was walking down the line, Emma Bunton thought she would ask him something. She wanted to know if he had a Prince Albert. Well he explained to her that he had several family members that were named Albert, but that was not she was referring to. At this point His Royal Highness had no idea what she was talking about, so he asked his friend to explain it to him. Fry nervously explained to the future King of England, “Well sir, it is an item of intimate jewelry.” To which the Prince of Wales pointed to his nipple and the actor shook his head, “No, further south.” Therefore, shocking the Prince of England so much he needed to rest.
Proving that Baby Spice might look all sweet and innocent, but she is far from it. Who knew she was the naughtiest one of them all?
Talking naughty, Fry also shared some advice he got from the Prince. HRH shared these words of wisdom he got from King Philip, “When you are doing a photograph, a line up with women, only look into their eyes. Don’t, for a second, let your eyes drop to their chest because that’s when the photograph goes off.” So the morale of that story boys, is don’t look down as much as you want to.