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September 24th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


See the real face of the woman of 1,000 faces – Dlisted

Who wants to disown his fan base? – Pajiba

Which Kardashian is pregnant? – Farandulista

Jennifer Lawrence's nude scene – The Nip Slip

Who left his kids out of his will? – The Wow Report

Who was terrified to film a Gay sex scene? – Celebitchy

Meghan Markel and Prince Harry make their debut  – Wow


Has Ryan Seacrest hit hard times?
September 24th, 2017 under Hard times, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Ryan Seacrest host more shows than he can count, he was seen working as a bartender at this weekend’s iHeart Festival. Does that mean the hostest with the mostest has hit hard times? Nope, he is promoting Tequila Casa Dragones here. Although, what is another job to him since he has so many? One he seems to be such a natural at!


Luke Bryan got an offer he could not refuse from American Idol
September 24th, 2017 under American Idol 9+, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]
After four months of searching, American Idol has finally named a second judge. The person sitting next to the overpaid Katy Perry is Luke Bryan according to Variety. They finally got him to say yes, a week before they are set to film auditions for the singing competition show that is moving to ABC.

No word how much he is getting, but I think he should get more than Perry. His star is still rising and he is a whole lot less annoying. Plus, it will be fun to see what he writes on his hand to remember what to say like the time that he wrote the Star Spangled Banner on his hand when he sang it at a game.

When it comes to who will be sitting next them in 2018, that has yet to be decided. It will probably be someone really cheap because they spent too much money on Perry.

What do you think of Luke Bryan being a judge on American Idol?


Get down, Will & Grace is coming to town
September 23rd, 2017 under Debra Messing, Jimmy Fallon, Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]

As we know there are no lyrics to Will & Grace’s theme song, but Jimmy Fallon changed that on The Tonight Show yesterday. He had Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes sing the words he wrote for them. They are so catchy, I think NBC should add it to the show before it premieres on Thursday night.

Can I tell you I have been binging the show for the last day and I do not know why I did not watch it during its original run. It is so funny and fun to watch and I hope it is just as good now! Which I am hearing it will be.


Aaron Carter taking some time to deal with his stress
September 23rd, 2017 under Backstreet Boys /Aaron Carter. [ Comments: none ]

Aaron Carter has been in the news a lot recently and not for good reasons. His health has been questioned so much that he went on The Doctors to clear up the rumors. They urged him to go to rehab to really work on himself and yesterday, it is reported by several sources, that he finally went in. Before he did, he announced that he was leaving social media forever. Before signing off, he posted the above message on Twitter.

Hopefully he will get the help the needs.


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