Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » June
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A mini Queer As Folk reunion!
June 27th, 2017 under Queer As Folk, Sharon Gless and Tyne Daly. [ Comments: none ]

Over the weekend, Queer As Folk’s Debbie and Michael Novotny were reunited, and Sharon Gless and Hal Sparks still look like the loving mother and son they played on the Showtime drama.

So much so, I do not know why no one has brought the show back for a revival. Seriously, if any show deserves it, it is this one. So much has happened in the LGBTQ community since the show went off the air in 2005, I would love to see how the cast of characters would tackle those issues today. Well that and I really miss the show. Plus, it was eye candy and what girl does not like watching two guys go at it? I know QAF taught me that little lesson.

Seriously though, QAF was much more than sex. It was wonderful writing, great chemistry, excellent acting and show with important messages to get out there. Each week they found a way to tell an interesting story that was also informative. We need more shows like it on television and bringing it back would be a good start. Who is with me?


Bachelor in Paradise sounds boring now
June 27th, 2017 under The Bachelor. [ Comments: none ]

In case you have not heard, production was halted on this season’s Bachelor in Paradise due to a sexual misconduct investigation between two of the show’s stars who reportedly went too far due to alcohol. The investigation concluded, the guy was cleared and production began again. But with a new set of rules.

According to TMZ, they are limiting the amount of alcohol they can drink and supplying food so they do not do it on an empty stomach. How much can alcohol can they consume? Only 2 drinks an hour, and the crew and bartenders need to make sure they keep to that limit. Meaning the show just got a whole lot more boring because they are more fun when they are drunk. Without that it is not a paradise to watch.

UPDATE: TMZ says that if a couple wants to have sex, they have to get permission to do so from the producers. If they do not, then the producer can go in and interrupt the love making.


Do Larry King and Russell Brand have something to tell us?
June 27th, 2017 under Do they have something to tell us?, Larry King, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Larry King shared this photo of Russell Brand lovingly kissing him, so do they have something to tell us? According to Ora TV talk show host yes they do. King said, “Who knew at this age that I’d find a new kind of love?? I’m in London with the irrepressible @rustyrockets.” The comedian has done worse, after all he was married to Katy Perry.


Chris Colfer was visited by an alien when he was kid!
June 27th, 2017 under Glee, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Chris Colfer was on The Tonight Show yesterday and he talked about his recent trip to Peru. He told Jimmy Fallon that he went there because he was hoping to see an alien. No such luck.

While that is now, back when he was a kid, sick with bronchitis and doped up on cough medicine, he swears that he was visited by a cute, little alien who told him to feel better telepathically. And there is a very good reason why he might have seen a creature from outer space at the foot of his bed. Turns out the actor from Glee grew up exactly 100 miles away from Area 51. Home of the aliens on Earth.

I am surprise that the actor has not done a movie about Martians, since he seems to be so obsessed with them. He can get Emma Roberts to play one since he says that the one he saw had her eyes. I would go see it! We have not had a good movie about aliens in a while and yes I am talking about you Aliens.


Is Teri Hatcher really 52?
June 27th, 2017 under Are they really their age?, Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher. [ Comments: none ]

Teri Hatcher is in Australia attending Conventions; and with all of that hard work, she needed some rest and relaxation. Here she is on Rottnest Island enjoying some sun in a red bikini. Can you believe that she is 52 years old because she looks just like she did when she started playing Lois Lane back in 1993. She looks so fantastic, I am surprised that some man has not swept her up and made her a desperate housewife.


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