Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » May
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BTWF roles: Sarah Hyland in The Audrey Hepburn Story
May 24th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Modern Family, Sarah Hyland. [ Comments: none ]

Before Sarah Hyland was in a Modern Family, she was playing a classic actress in The Audrey Hepburn Story. How awwdorable was the 8 year old in that 2000 telemovie?


Andy Cohen says that Mariah Carey is his biggest ‘backstage Diva’
May 24th, 2017 under Andy Cohen, Conan O'Brien, Mariah Carey. [ Comments: none ]

Andy Cohen brought his show Watch What Happens Live to Los Angeles this week and his guest last night was Conan O’Brien. During the after show someone wanted to know who are their biggest backstage Divas? The TBS host’s answer was boring and a joke, but the Bravo one’s was perfect.

Cohen said, “Mine is Mariah Carey and I think it is a good thing.” Then he explained why, “She had me switch seats because she has a better side…She was a Diva in a way that I would want her to be a Diva.” Would you expect any less from Mimi, Darlings?

When it comes to her better side, it is so true. I am not saying her left side is ugly, it is just that her right side is much prettier.


Dirty Dancing is a slow boring strut
May 24th, 2017 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]
Back when I was a kid and I saw Dirty Dancing, I remember loving the film. Then I watched the remake, and I wondered if I really enjoyed the film or I thought it was boring. I honestly don’t remember the last time I saw the 1987 movie.

Anyways, that was then and tonight at 8p on ABC, they are airing the remake. All I will tell you is if you liked the original, then you are going to want to skip this. If you have never seen the Patrick Swayze/Jennifer Garner starrer, then you might tolerate the 3 hour telemovie.

The telefilm starts off slowly and never picks up from there. I actually think it slows down. What made the original one so great was the chemistry between Baby and Johnny Castle, and Swayze’s dancing. In this one, there is not even a spark between Abigail Breslin and Colt Prattes. Not only that, neither one of them can dance. Prattes is so bad, I had to ask my friends on Facebook if we actually thought Swayze was sexy in that movie. I just felt no heat from Prattes and his moves were so amateurish. How can they make a movie called Dirty Dancing and not have dancers in it?

But it isn’t all bad. Katey Sagal sings a sultry version of Fever. Nicole Scherzinger can dance and does her best with what was given to her as Johnny’s dance partner who needs an abortion. Sarah Hyland, who plays Bay’s sister, is perfect for the ’60s, so much so I would like to see her get more roles from that era. When it comes to the rest of the cast and the movie, it is honestly forgettable.

Well, not everything. After the final dance scene, you know the one with the lift, we get a completely different ending. An ending that will leave even the slightest fan of the original ready to put this version of the corner, set it on fire and not put it out until she’s like the wind.

In short, skip the 3 hour remake. The version I sat through was just over 2 hours (no commercials) and it felt like 24. It is that torturous. Dirty Dancing lives up to half its title, dirty as in a huge mess.

UPDATE: I just rewatched the original and it makes me hate the remake even more. They took out all the rehearsal scenes between Castle and Baby to add more dialogue for the unnecessary characters they added. They changed up key points for no reason. And besides the new ending, they made the first sex scene boring. Basically, they took out a lot of the dancing, chemistry and heart to make it a long drawn movie that will put you to sleep by 8:20p. Watch the original instead, you will be thanking me.


Nicole Scherzinger can sing like the best of them
May 24th, 2017 under Nicole Scherzinger, The Real. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Nicole Scherzinger can sing, but did you know that The Pussycat Doll can also do impressions of other singers too. Yesterday, when she was on The Real and the hosts wanted to see her voice box do its magic! Magical is the best way to describe it!

First, she sang Jack & Jill as Shakira and I went up that hill with her. You Outta Know the ABCs as Alanis Morissette because it deserves a 10. Finally, she proved why she is a star as she sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as Britney Spears.

You know what, someone needs to give her a residency where not only does she sing her own songs, she also sings the songs of other as those singers. Don’t cha think it would be a hoot?


Ariana Grande will reportedly pay for the 22 funerals
May 24th, 2017 under Ariana Grande. [ Comments: 7 ]

Even though it is not Ariana Grande’s fault what happened in Manchester on Monday night, she feels the need to do something. The Twitter page Ariana Updates Tweeted, “News on Ariana: Ariana has reached out to the families who’s loves ones died last night….she is gonna pay for the funerals!”

The gesture is a very nice one because it is one less thing these families need to worry about. It is a shame they have to worry about burying their loved ones at all. Those 22 people went to have a fun memorable night out and now their friends and family are living a nightmare. For what? There is nothing any of those terrorists can say that can justify their hate. They are not following the Koran because they did not die in the name of religion, instead they died in the name of hate. There is a difference, so no virgins for you. No martyrdom for you. Just hell. They don’t even deserve hell because that is too good for these bastards.

If they think bombings are the answer, they are not. The bombings do not make people want to join their cause, it makes people want to fight their cause. Nothing comes out these bombings but hate towards them. They need to think up a new a way to get the word out because this one has been a big fail for generations.

As bad as these bombers looked, the people of Manchester and Ariana Grande look amazing. They all came together to help the victims with love. Love is the answer.

I was a Religious Studies major in college (long story and it involves a cute boy) and I learned religions are not about hate. All these people who use it for that reason are spitting on their religion. Religion is about love and helping others, not hate and killing.


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