A while ago, there was a rumor that Bethenny Frankel and Eric Stonestreet were getting it on. Yesterday, when both of them were on Watch Watch What Happens Live Happens Live with Andy Cohen an audience member asked them what the dealio is? They both grabbed their drinks trying to avoid the answer. Eventually, the Modern Family star fessed up, “I mean, we met, and I think, we both decided we make much better friends.” Although he did confess, “She is a wonderful kisser.” There’s your answer, for all of those who were wondering.
Now I have a question for you, are you also picturing them having sex? Tell me I am not suffering alone.
When we think of Sally Field, we think of one of the greatest actress of all time. But in the mid-’70s, she was seen as America’s Sweetheart because she was known as Gidget and The Flying Nun.
It was those roles, that made the producers of Smokey and the Bandit think she was wrong for the part when Burt Reynolds suggested her. He told Closer the producers said, “I was told she was not sexy — she was the Flying Nun,” adding, “I told [the Smokey producers], ‘Trust me, talent is sexy. She is talented and sexy.'” And boy is she talented. She is even more talented aka sexy today, 40 years later. That is why we like her, we really, really like her.
A few months ago, Madonna and Zac Efron were seated next to each at an MMA fight, and now he is wrestling with what to tell us about that night. Jimmy Kimmel wanted to know more, and the Baywatch lifeguard suddenly became a gentleman and didn’t say much.
All he would say is that, “I will you tell one thing Madonna is lovely, she was amazing.” When the ABC late night host just straight out asked him, “Did you something go on with you and Madonna?” Efron got all flustered, tapped his upper arm and said, “She tapped this.” As in she tapped his arm because she was so excited over the match. Although, it seems like he was excited over something else.
We do not know if something happened between them, so we are left to assume what we want. I am assuming that they had their own wrestling match after the one they were watching ended. What do you assume?