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5 Things You Should Know About The CW’s Riverdale
January 26th, 2017 under Archie Comics, The CW. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 9p on The CW, Archie Comics is getting a modern retell in Riverdale and there are some things you should know about the teenage murder mystery before it airs. Here’s what the producers and cast told about the show at The CW’s TCA Winter Press Day!

1 – According to Producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa they originally wanted him to travel through time. When that idea didn’t seem to work, they thought about having him travel through portals. They laughed off that idea until they suggested to make Archie Louis CK and the episode should be like Entourage. As we know, all of those ideas did not happen. Thankfully, they met with Producer extraordinaire Greg Berlanti who suggested it be a coming of age story with a “dead body.”

2 – Beverly Hills, 90210’s Luke Perry describes it as, “A little bit of a Peach Pit vibe, but kind of a freaky Peach Pit, you know, scary, textured, intricate Peach Pit.”

3 – Josie and the Pussycats Dolls are on the show too and next week the rework The Archies’ classic song Sugar, Sugar.

4 – Next season, if the show gets picked up, we will see another character from Arhcie Comics, Sabrina the Teen Witch. She will be nothing like the character Melissa Joan Hart played, instead she will be more like Rosemary’s Baby. Whatever that means.

5 – Cole Sprouse, who plays Jughead, had come off of a three week binge of The Twilight Zone when he auditioned for the role, so he channeled his inner Rod Sterling when he read for the part. As you can guess the Producers liked it!

Just like you will like the show that debuts tonight.


Lifetime tells the story of a University P0rn star!
January 26th, 2017 under Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]

College is so expensive, the only way to pay for it is to sell your soul. Or for one Duke student it was to sell her body. Miriam Weeks (Haley Pullos) became a P0rn star to pay her tuition and now Lifetime is telling her story on February 11th in Straight A’s to XXX.
While the telemovie seems more like something that should be on Skinemax, I am sure Lifetime will do it justice. As in it will be so awful, it will be awesome!
February is shaping up to be a great month for the network, they are starting if off with James Franco back in High School Lover, then this the following Saturday followed by Britney Ever After on the 18th. Forget going out to see a movie, stay in to Lifetime & Chill!


Is Joan Collins really 83?
January 26th, 2017 under Are they really their age?, Joan Collins. [ Comments: none ]

Joan Collins shared this gorgeous photo of herself and I can’t believe she is a 83 years old. That’s because the ageless beauty looks better now than she did in ’83. Seriously, isn’t she just gorgeous?


Watch Glenn Close ram Jimmy Fallon from behind!
January 26th, 2017 under Glenn Close, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Fallon challenged Glenn Close to a Horse Drawn Carriage Scooter Race on The Tonight Show yesterday and he quickly regretted that decision. Almost as much as that poor bunny in Fatal Attraction did by letting her pick him up.
He regretted it because the actress fell behind him at the start and she took advantage of it by hitting him in the behind with her scooter! Don’t feel too bad for her because after that move, she moved into first place and won the game.
When it comes to the NBC late night host, at least he got some action out of their race!
Yeah, it is a slow day and this is the best I can come up with him. Be nice!


Watch the Rings girl scare the Today show!
January 26th, 2017 under Pranks, TV News. [ Comments: 4 ]

Matt Lauer told his Today co-anchors they were opening suitcases to find out what are some of the strangest items the TSA has found in them. When Natalie Morales and Hoda Kotb opened the second one, they got a shock. It was the girl from Rings. Morales got so scared, she was whiter than then the actress that made her poop in her pants. Granted I don’t blame her because I would’ve done the same and then beaten up Matt Lauer, so he learned to never prank me again!

UPDATE: They also used her to scare Darius Rukcer in the 10p! I love this prank!


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