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Ghosts in the Hood is unlike any other Paranormal Investigation show!
January 5th, 2017 under WeTV. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you love Paranormal Investigation shows. But after a while they are all the same thing, no matter what channel they are on. That all changes with WE tv’s Ghosts in the Hood tonight at 10p.
Defecio Stoglin and his team at OPO aka Official Paranormal Operations go where no other ghost hunters will go…the Hood. For example, tonight they go to a drive-by funeral home in Compton that is haunted. While Stoglin talks to the owner, Maunda goes out on the street and asks people about the place they are looking into. They give more insight into what is happening than just looking at the location itself. Imagine what they reveal about the drive-by mortuary that has seen its share of drive-bys and I am not talking about visiting the dead. I am talking about people wanting to give them their next customers.
Anyways, you can’t investigate a place without equipment and Dave builds those. Then there is Jasmine, a verified Medium, and she has a way with the spirits.
Finally, there is Matty, who’s a comedian under Deficio’s care. He knows nothing about spirits, but he is scared of him. Therefore, they make him their decoy and the ghosts love that! He screams more than a preteen at One Direction concert.
Now back to the show, tonight they checked out two places. One I told you about and the other is a guy who hoards collectables. Only problem is if you do that, a spirit might be attached to an item and OPO has a problem finding it among all the other antiques. What happens when they finally find it?
Not only do they go to Da Hood, they also add humor to the case. The humor makes it more real than all of those other shows that do the same thing. Instead of laughing at them, you laugh with them. What’s not to love about that!


Will & Grace’s Leslie Jordan breaks his silence by going silent
January 5th, 2017 under Debra Messing, Leslie Jordan. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, people were buzzing over the fact that Leslie Jordan confirmed on a radio show that Will & Grace was coming back for a 10 episode revival on NBC. But then Debra Messing crushed our dreams and said they were just in talks.
Well today, Leslie Jordan took to Facebook to tell us the lamb has been silenced. He said, “I was told in no uncertain terms to ZIP IT about the return of a certain series I once won an Emmy.”
But that wasn’t the only thing his mouth got him in trouble with during that interview. He claims that declaration got him big trouble with Joan Collins’ husband, “Then there is the threatened lawsuit from Percy Gibson because I dispareged the reputation of his wife, Miss Joan Collins, by insinuating I was hired on the aforementioned series because Miss Collins refused to let her wig be pulled off.” Wait she wears a wig? Looks real to me.
Do I think this will be the last we hear from Jordan, hell no! Unless someone sends Betty White over to his house with a frying pan! Only true fans will get the reference.


Is It Time For a Viking Epic?
January 5th, 2017 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Hollywood loves history, and every now and then it just seems like we’re due for a new attempt at a sweeping historical epic. The likes of Braveheart, Gladiator, and Troy have done the genre proud over the past few decades, even if we’ve seen our share of epic flops as well. But there hasn’t been a truly memorable historical epic in quite some time, and it’s beginning to seem like the movie industry is overdue for a new historical hit.

One chapter of history that seems particularly ripe is the Viking era. There just isn’t a definitive cinematic Viking epic, and the argument can be made that public interest in this fascinating time period is at an all-time high.

This is largely due to the success of the History Channel’s surprise hit series, Vikings. Despite debuting in the shadow of Game Of Thrones, and on a network not particularly well known for fictional dramas, Vikings has found a great deal of success. The show depicts the adventurous, brutal, and action-packed life of Ragnar Lothbrook, an ambitious young man in a world of Viking kings and armies. The aggregate rating at Rotten Tomatoes for the show’s four seasons is above 90 percent, indicating that it has enjoyed staying power with audiences. Those same audiences would likely eat up a cinematic Viking tale, even if it had little or nothing to do with the show.

Viking themes have also become more prominent in gaming lately, in part through games like Clash Of Clans (which vaguely hints at Viking culture with a Scottish twist), but also through more direct examples. A game called Viking Mania is featured as one of the many slot gaming titles at Betfair, which often tend to represent some of the more popular trends in gaming. Other examples at the same site include titles relating to Marvel, professional soccer, Sherlock Holmes, and Jurassic Park, to name a few. Viking Mania offers a cartoonish take on the Viking age, but still demonstrates the continued appeal of these types of characters.

A more realistic take on Vikings in the gaming world is also set to emerge in 2017 with the release of For Honor. Set to become one of the latest installments in Ubisoft’s game lineup, For Honor involves knights, samurai, and Vikings in a mash-up brawling experience spread out across various chapters from history. Players will have the chance to control mighty Viking characters as they hack and slash their way through a number of violent challenges.

Viking culture and adventures are fairly mainstream at the moment, which could mean that there’s already an established fan base for a potential film. There are actually some rumors about just such a movie. According to Slash Film, Leonardo DiCaprio is circling a number of major projects for the coming years, and one of them—thought to be titled Ruthless—might be a Viking epic. The belief is that it is a new version of King Harald, a legendary 11th century Viking king.

The stage is set for this genre to move to cinema screens in a big way, regardless of whether or not we wind up with a King Harald biopic in the future. Let’s hope it happens soon.


This Is Us watching Milo Ventimiglia brushing his teeth!
January 5th, 2017 under Brushing their teeth, Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]
Milo Ventimiglia shared a video of himself brushing his teeth and titled it Fighting Tooth Decay. I don’t know what it is about it, but I can’t stop watching it. It is oddly hypnotizing.


Guess who looks Jesus?
January 5th, 2017 under Guess who?, James Corden. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who has a big banging do, then click here!


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