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Corey Feldman and Aaron Carter join Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition
August 9th, 2019 under Backstreet Boys /Aaron Carter, The Two Coreys, WeTV. [ Comments: 1 ]

Corey Feldman returns to reality TV on October 11th in Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition. This time, instead of trying to repair his relationship with his best friend, the late Corey Haim, he is trying to bring peace to his relationship with his brother and his sister-in-law.

While he working with his sibling, Aaron Carter is trying to make things work with his mother. He has claimed that she stole money from him, but she denies it.

Also on the WeTV show is Real Housewives of Orange County Alexis Bellino and her mother, and Basketball Wives Laura Govan and her parents Gloria and Michael.

I don’t know about you, but this will be appointment viewing for me. Feldman is always interesting to watch on “unscripted” television.


Ghosts in the Hood is unlike any other Paranormal Investigation show!
January 5th, 2017 under WeTV. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you love Paranormal Investigation shows. But after a while they are all the same thing, no matter what channel they are on. That all changes with WE tv’s Ghosts in the Hood tonight at 10p.
Defecio Stoglin and his team at OPO aka Official Paranormal Operations go where no other ghost hunters will go…the Hood. For example, tonight they go to a drive-by funeral home in Compton that is haunted. While Stoglin talks to the owner, Maunda goes out on the street and asks people about the place they are looking into. They give more insight into what is happening than just looking at the location itself. Imagine what they reveal about the drive-by mortuary that has seen its share of drive-bys and I am not talking about visiting the dead. I am talking about people wanting to give them their next customers.
Anyways, you can’t investigate a place without equipment and Dave builds those. Then there is Jasmine, a verified Medium, and she has a way with the spirits.
Finally, there is Matty, who’s a comedian under Deficio’s care. He knows nothing about spirits, but he is scared of him. Therefore, they make him their decoy and the ghosts love that! He screams more than a preteen at One Direction concert.
Now back to the show, tonight they checked out two places. One I told you about and the other is a guy who hoards collectables. Only problem is if you do that, a spirit might be attached to an item and OPO has a problem finding it among all the other antiques. What happens when they finally find it?
Not only do they go to Da Hood, they also add humor to the case. The humor makes it more real than all of those other shows that do the same thing. Instead of laughing at them, you laugh with them. What’s not to love about that!


5 new Reality Star Couples enter Marriage Boot Camp tonight!
June 3rd, 2016 under WeTV. [ Comments: none ]

Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars is back in session tonight at 9p on WE TV and there are 5 new couples who need help to save their relationships.
The first couple to arrive is Cody and Michelle, who met on Bachelor Paradise. Even though he wants to get married, she doesn’t want to. She hates that he takes to many Selfies, but he needs to do it for his job. But is that what is really wrong between them?
Toya’s A Family Affair’s Toya and Mephitz are married, but they don’t live together. He feels like she is her mom and blames her for everything that is going wrong with his career. Can the married couple handle living together again during Boot Camp?
America’s Next Top Model’s Lisa D’Amato and her husband Adam make quite the entrance when he shows up in a military jeep. That’s because he is a Doomsday Prepper and Lisa isn’t happy about it. She also wants another kid and he doesn’t think she is ready. Is there marriage doomed?
Brittish and Lorenzo have been engaged for two years. She doesn’t trust him when he talks to other women. He thinks she needs to get her anger under control which is understandable because she tried to run him over with a car. Will these set a wedding date or an end date when it is all over?
Last up is Dean and he shows up alone because Tara Reid is busy filming a movie. That’s the problem with their relationship, they are just too busy for each other. He is told by Directors Jim and Elizabeth Carroll unless Tara show’s up, their game will be over before it even starts. Will he get her there in time?
While Dean looks for Tara, the 4 couples are interviewed by Montel Williams. The talk show host uncovers even more about these couples and you have to wonder if any of them will survive Marriage Boot Camp. Will they? We will just have to tune in every Friday to find out.
The preview of the season makes it look like a marriage made in Hell, which means it will be must see TV.


Tara Reid can survive a Sharkanado, but can she weather this storm?
April 13th, 2016 under Tara Reid, WeTV. [ Comments: none ]
Tara Reid is going from Sharknado to Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars with her boyfriend Dean May and looks like she was better off dealing with flying killer sharks.
Not only are the two of them trying to save their relationship on the We TV show, so are Lisa D’Amato and Adam Friedman, Michelle Money and Cody Sattler, Toya Wright and Memphitz, and Brittish Williams and Lorenzo Gordon. By the looks of the trailer, it doesn’t look like any of them are going to make it.
Will any of these reality stars triumph over this reality? We will just have to tune in in June to find out. I know I made a date for it.


Sex Box sexes up our televisions!
February 27th, 2015 under WeTV. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight at 10p on WeTV, television goes to a place it has never gone before with Sex Box. Couples will be getting therapy to save their relationships, right after they have sex in front of a live audience. Don’t worry they do it in a box, and no one can see anything. But we will see a lot emotionally about these couples that are having problems in the bedroom.
Tonight the first couple have been together for just a year, but they are already having sex like an old married couple. What’s there problem? She hasn’t has an orgasm since they got married. The next couple used to have no problem letting people into their bedroom, but now that has changed for the wife ever since they had a kid. The final couple saw their kinky sex lives go to less than vanilla after she had a baby.
Now it is time for the therapists to help them out. Dr. Yvonne Capehart, PhD is a pastor who believes healthy sex is important for a healthy relationship. Dr. Fran Walfish is a leading Beverly Hills relationship psychotherapist. Dr. Chris Donaghue, PhD, is a Doctor of Clinical Sexology & Human Sexuality.
The couples come out and tell the therapists about their problems. They give the lovers some advice before they are sent into the Sex Box. When they are done, it is time to really talk about they feel. That’s because you are most vulnerable after sex.
Will these therapists be able to help them? You will just have to tune in to find out.
For those of you who have heard about this controversial show and refuse to watch. I say give it a try because there is a lot to learn from it. More than you would ever suspect. It truly is more than the Sex Box!



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