It has been a year since the world wondered if #TheDress is black and blue or white and gold. Since that is so last year, PopPunkBlogger wants to know is this jacket blue and white or black and brown?
I say just put this jacket on the dress, and make them both go away. All of this color confusion is making my eyes hurt.
Tonight at 10p on TLC, get excited for Sex Sent Me to the ER! Although one of the people on it can’t get rid of her excitement.
A couple have sex, but no matter how much the man tries, he can’t get his wife to orgasm. He tries anything and everything, but still no luck. The two of them go to sleep and she is hoping that everything will be fine in the morning. Things are a lot worse because anything and everything is turning her on but nothing is turning off. After a two hour jog and sex toys, she is still not better. So it is time to go to ER. Once they are there, the nurses don’t see her needs as an emergency, until she moans her way in to a hospital bed. Now it is up to the doctors to figure out how to help her get to the big O. When they finally solve the mystery, you will be looking in your medicine cabinet to get rid of the cause.
Another couple find out that having sex while dancing Salsa is not the safest. He falls and hits head, and has a seizure. Once the doctors figure out what sent him to ER, they discover he has a much bigger problem than a headache. Something that will scare you from having sex for a while.
Finally, a Motivational Speaker comes in with an apparent stroke, but doctors can’t find the clot. Little by little the couple admit what were they were doing when it happened and it will motivate you to be careful trying new things during sex. Especially this thing!
Tonight’s episode of Sex Sent Me to the ER is the best one of the season. Even though that woman couldn’t get no satisfaction, I know I did.
via FTV Live
If you have been watching the Republican Presidential Debates, then you know that it is basically 3 men screaming at each other as loud as they can and we have no idea what they are saying. Well we are not alone, even the people who type up the close captioning are clueless about what is coming out of their pie holes. So much so, that at one point yesterday, they just typed up, “[unintelligible yelling]”! I think, they could’ve left that up for the whole debate, and it still would’ve been accurate. Too bad the candidates don’t get it as well as the people that have to write down everything they say. Maybe if they did, it would be a much more respectable election and not a total embarrassing joke like it is now.
Kate Hudson was on Conan yesterday, and he wanted to know what she meant when she said she prefers to wear as little clothes as possible. She explained, “I do like to be naked. I much prefer being naked than clothed.” Then she added, “When I get home, I just want to be naked.”
This is something she got from her parents Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. She revealed that because her mom was a dancer, she has always been comfortable with her body. But then again, to be fair, the Oscar winner has always had a great body. If I had her figure and Hudson’s, I would be naked all the time too. Wouldn’t you?
Jimmy Fallon challenged Gerard Butler to a game of Slap Jack on The Tonight Show yesterday. Basically, it is like Blackjack, but at the end of each hand the winner hits the loser with huge prosthetic hand. A hand so large that The Bounty Hunter declared, “Finally, a hand I can hold my pen!s with!” The NBC late night host lost it and had to get up from his chair to control his laughter. Then when he did, he retaliated with, “Sadly, I said the same thing with baby arms.” I then had to get out of my chair to control my laughter.
Now it was time for the game, and Gerard whacked his opponent so hard at the end of the game that Fallon realized he really has been using that hand to whack off!